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Daryl McCann

Daryl McCann

The Latest From Daryl McCann

  • The True Lies of Zionophobia

    May 15 marked Naqba Day, as the Arab world knows the date on which Israel became a nation, so the calumnies were coming thick and fast. Being anti-Israel, you may have heard, does not imply anti-Semitism. With all the old blood libels repackaged as commentary, don't believe it for a second

    May 18 2019

    22 mins

  • America v Russia: Who Won the Cold War?

    America defeated Soviet communism, of that there can be no doubt, but we must also allow that it was a victory that came at a cost. Anti-US ideology took root on the homefront and did much to transform optimism, self-confidence and enlightened patriotism into something far less sanguine

    Apr 30 2019

    22 mins

  • New Light on that First Day at Gallipoli

    James Hurst's magisterial 'The Landing in the Dawn: Dissecting a Legend' leaves open the possibility that genuine victory – that is, capturing the paramount heights – was notionally possible. Had the John Monash of 1917 and 1918 been in command, Gallipoli might have been a very different story

    Apr 25 2019

    9 mins

  • Progressive Ideology and the Ghosts of Nazism

    The anti-Trumpers are at liberty to list each and every point of purported similarity between the German monster and the elected occupant of the Oval Office. Those of us not plunged into derangement by Hillary Clinton's lost election are equally within our rights to marvel at what the constant allusions to Nazism says about them

    Mar 25 2019

    21 mins

  • How the Left Turned Free Speech into Hate Speech

    Postmodernist theory, with its emphasis on subjectivity and relativism, became the mechanism—more by happenstance than good planning—by which Marxism's anti-bourgeois hostility reconciled itself with the anti-bourgeois sentiment of bohemianism. From there it was a short step to PC gags and censorship

    Jan 16 2019

    20 mins

  • The Ghost of a Christmas Past

    As I wrap the presents and savour this year's egg nog, why is it that thoughts of 12 ago years haunt my Yuletide reveries? Ah, that's it! There was a Coalition government heading for defeat and a Labor leader assuring one and all that he was moderate, responsible and trustworthy. History repeats itself, as they say

    Dec 24 2018

    13 mins

  • The Tyranny of Experts

    One of the many virtues of Salvatore Babones' The New Authoritarianism is its dissection of 'progressive' liberalism, a political philosophy that assumes the task of 'administering freedom'. When it comes to re-engineering society as the Left would prefer, there is no shortage of solons or arrogant presumption

    Dec 19 2018

    13 mins

  • Jeremy Corbyn and the Perils of Anti-Zionism

    To make it easier for Western dupes such as Corbyn to the peddle activist-Salafists as fighters for freedom, Hamas revised its charter last year. No longer is it a religious war but, instead, an anti-colonial struggle against Zionist occupiers -- a handy if tiny fig leaf for concealing the modern Left's increasingly evident disdain for Jews

    Nov 22 2018

    16 mins

  • The Ideology of White-Hatred

    When writer Sarah Jeong was hired by the New York Times and her history of ugly tweets about 'dumbass f-ing white people' came to light, the paper's exquisitely PC editors defended their Asian hire against her pallid critics. The melanin-challenged, you see, had it coming

    Oct 11 2018

    15 mins