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Daryl McCann

Daryl McCann

The Latest From Daryl McCann

  • High Toryism for Common Folk

    It was the ever-polite Sir Roger's audacious mission to confront time and again the Left with humorous and intelligent critiques of its nostrums and dogma, and to detail their inevitably awful consequences. In uniting tradition and freedom, he provided a counter to the hysteria, fear, irrationality, lies, fallacies, self-delusion and groupthink of ideologues

    Jan 14 2020

    6 mins

  • Donald Trump Takes Out the Trash

    Is it too much for victims of Trump Derangement Syndrome to consider, if for only a moment, that the US President has just made the world a little safer by removing Qasem Soleimani from it? Yes, it's probably beyond their ken, but the fact remains that Tehran's tyrants will now be looking often and anxiously over their shoulders

    Jan 05 2020

    10 mins

  • The War on Christians

    The mendacity of the tyrannically bohemian Left dresses up its PC dogma in the guise of open-mindedness and inclusivity. So spare a thought for persecuted Christians today; not just those in China, Pakistan and the Middle East, but also for our very own Dreyfus. We cannot expect our modern-day leftists to be sympathetic. Merry Christmas, Cardinal Pell

    Dec 25 2019

    2 mins

  • The Deep State’s Contempt for Democracy

    It is as if Donald Trump, like a character in a Franz Kafka story, is guilty of something, and even if nobody is entirely sure of the nature of the crime, that does not make him any less deserving of being ejected by any means necessary from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue

    Dec 03 2019

    18 mins

  • China and its Australian Apologists

    Australia, allegedly, is in peril because Sino-Australian relations went “down the gurgler” due to bunglers like Abbott, Turnbull, Morrison et al who are not sophisticated Sinologists like Kevin Rudd. Almost the opposite, I would argue. Australia is in peril because so-called China experts, such as Rudd, have been played

    Oct 06 2019

    26 mins

  • Downer Comes in from the Cold

    Today's big news is that Donald Trump asked Scott Morrison's help to establish Alexander Downer's role, witting or otherwise, in launching the Russiagate hoax. In the October edition of Quadrant, now on sale, Daryl McCann unravels some of those knots. Released early from our paywall, his review of 'Ball of Collusion' makes timely reading

    Oct 01 2019

    12 mins

  • The Corrupt and the Crazy

    Joe Biden sold out all his principles—if principles and Obama’s number two or, as he now bills himself, Obama’s “buddy”—can be used in the same sentence. If the establishment Democrat versus the populist Republican match-up did not work out for the Democrats in 2016, it is even less likely to do so this time around

    Jul 23 2019

    20 mins

  • Big Media and the Great Kremlin Conspiracy

    What truth-seeking has the mass media pursued during the great Russiagate hoax? For more than two years, the New York Times, Washington Post and countless other Big Media outlets demonised Donald Trump as Putin's puppet. That there was no evidence mattered not at all

    Jun 26 2019

    18 mins

  • Mr Morrison’s Man-in-the-Street Miracle

    Some believed Bob Hawke's death would generate votes for the ALP. But when I thought of the late Labor leader it was not Billl Shorten who came to mind but Scott Morrison -- a man comfortable in his own skin, like Hawke, and thoroughly pleased with his lot as a regular Australian

    May 19 2019

    5 mins