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Daryl McCann

Daryl McCann

The Latest From Daryl McCann

  • The Abraham Accords Transform the Middle East

    Back in 2017, Israel's transport minister proposed that a railway connect Saudi Arabia with Israel’s port of Haifa. Three years ago that seemed fanciful but not any more, not after the Trump-brokered pacts with United Arab Emirates and Bahrain. Israel is no longer an imposter in the Greater Middle East but a key piece of the puzzle

    Nov 17 2020

    20 mins

  • China and the Tyranny of Proximity

    When did most Australians finally admit to themselves that inviting the PRC into our midst was 'opening up our country' not only to surprising levels of investment, cheap imports and an unprecedented demand for our wine, fruit and nuts, beef, wheat, barley, coal, gas, iron ore, educational institutions and the rest, but also to genuine peril?

    Oct 28 2020

    20 mins

  • Mike Flynn’s Higher Loyalty

    The Russiagate hoax saw Mueller's investigators reprise of the conspiracy to entrap Mike Flynn, only writ large. All the main and same ingredients are there, starting with comprehensive intelligence community surveillance of the subject, all justified on the pretext of a non-crime. If Trump fails in November, the Deep State, not Biden, will be the real winner

    Jul 29 2020

    24 mins

  • Global Inc versus the People

    How can we trust multinationals if they are prepared to traffic with the Devil simply to maximise profits. Sure, locally made goods cost more than those flowing from China's sweatshops, but who, apart from those with vested interests in seeing a tyranny remain untroubled, wants to contribute even a dollar to the grand imperialist ambitions of Beijing?

    Jul 01 2020

    19 mins

  • Emperor Xi Has No Clothes

    It is hard to un-imagine the People’s Republic of China and its deleterious effect on our world. My wish – which might turn out to be as unlikely as the Russiagate fantasies of the mainstream media—is that one day the city of Wuhan will be associated with not only COVID-19 but also with the end of the communist dynasty in China

    May 02 2020

    16 mins

  • Suicide of the West Postponed

    Latter-day progressives recommend accommodation with all things non-Western and, more ominously, all things anti-Western. To take the contrary view, as Donald Trump has done, makes him the enemy of very powerful interests. Russiagate, the Ukraine impeachment farce and every other faux scandal laid at the White House door are the consequence of that

    Apr 19 2020

    12 mins

  • Emperor Xi Has No Clothes

    Beijing's machinations are so opaque that only an apologist or fool would trust President-for-Life Xi’s word on anything. If, when this plague is over, we again hear the voices of China's locally engaged quislings urging closer bonds with a fascist regime, the reaction should be one of loud, instant and utter contempt

    Mar 28 2020

    15 mins

  • The Trump Doctrine and the Return of Pax Americana

    The pundits' immediate assertion upon the killing Iran's Qasem Soleimani was that Donald Trump had brought the world to the brink of war. They were wrong, as usual, which suggests it is their anti-Trump narrative, rather than its target and his policies, most in need of review

    Mar 10 2020

    16 mins

  • The Return of Lenin in Progressive Disguise

    The new chairman of the ABC, Ita Buttrose, has called for greater cultural diversity while doubling down on the state-funded broadcaster’s political uniformity. Given his affection for 'useful idiots', Vladimir Lenin would understand, just as he would approve of climate emergencies and schools teaching what to think, not how to think

    Jan 23 2020

    20 mins