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Daryl McCann

Daryl McCann

The Latest From Daryl McCann

  • Why I’m Done With the Faux Centre

    Simon Holmes à Court claims his 'voices of' candidates represent the sensible centre, which is exactly the same turf on which the Liberals here in South Australia also claim to stand. Really? A 'conservative' party that endorses euthanasia and the latest of late-term abortions is 'moderate'? I don't think so. I believe, though, I have found a genuine, principled alternative

    Dec 23 2021

    7 mins

  • China and COVID: Dancing with the Devil

    Why were West's elites and their media handmaidens so ill-disposed to countenance COVID's origins in a PRC bio lab almost within spitting distance of the first cases, as Sharri Markson wonders in 'What Really Happened in Wuhan'? Whatever the reasons, the likes of Paul Barry and Media Watch did Beijing proud in their efforts to deny the blindingly obvious

    Nov 18 2021

    25 mins

  • Twenty Years On: Osama bin Laden’s 9/11 Mission

    The US was in Al-Qaeda’s sights long before September 11 and it is fair to suggest that Washington’s my-enemy’s-enemy-is-my-friend Cold War realpolitik played a part in bringing about the attacks. But if 9/11 was in any way a consequence of US foreign policy, the larger truth is that Osama bin Laden was the product of an Islamic revivalism that failed to revive Islam

    Sep 11 2021

    16 mins

  • America’s Great Awokening

    The woke mob, empowered by the omnipresence of social-media platforms, makes everyone a potential victim -- prey to be hunted and hounded with the encouragement of organisations, like the ACLU, whose former purpose has been subverted by naked politics. Andy Warhol was wrong. It's not fifteen minutes of fame we can all expect, but fifteen minutes of shame

    Aug 11 2021

    20 mins

  • The Darkening Shadows of 100 Candles

    Helmsman Xi's conceit is that the Party, the nation and the people are one and indivisible, and that the CCP has always 'loved the Chinese people'. It's a claim so brazen it invites the quip that relieving millions of their lives is a peculiar way of showing it

    Jul 03 2021

    5 mins

  • Israel and Gaza: The Euphoria of Psychosis

    If you can make a fact-pattern fit the shape of your screwball ideology, then reality is a mere distraction. Such has been the template Hamas operatives once more have lavished on the eagerly gullible -- or is that mischievously partisan? -- Western press: ravenous Jewish wolves vs. innocent, peace-loving unarmed Palestinians

    May 23 2021

    5 mins

  • All Under Heaven: China Reconstructs its History

    The CCP's great conceptual innovation in the post-Mao era has been to build on century-old fabrications to create a racialist nationalism that conveniently intertwines notions of 'China', 'the people', 'the government', 'the nation-state' and 'the Party'. The fact of the matter is that China has never been a nation-state in anything resembling the European sense

    Apr 14 2021

    20 mins

  • Australia’s Refusal to Kowtow to China

    There are obvious differences between Mao’s New Democracy and Xi’s China Dream, and yet they share a key point: the CCP must be the final arbiter of all things under heaven. That ambition is no reason for us to accommodate with our subservience a tyranny that seeks to destroy every independent voice it has encountered on its way to prospective global domination

    Jan 14 2021

    16 mins

  • Warring Tribes and Fake Virtue: The 2020 US Election

    Big Media unilaterally decided that Joe Biden won the 2020 US election fair and square, decreeing without investigation that the contest was no more rigged than any other and that the time had come for unity. That a nation of two bitter and mutually contemptuous tribes can find common ground is nothing short of absurd

    Nov 30 2020

    23 mins