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Daryl McCann

Daryl McCann

The Latest From Daryl McCann

  • Time for Everybody to Wake Up to China

    Hugh White's Sleepwalk to War: Australia’s Unthinking Alliance with America is a genuinely memorable achievement, for few authors ever manage to get so much wrong in so relatively few words. As a blueprint for relations with Beijing and the US, its diagnosis is misguided and prognosis laughable

    Nov 21 2022

    15 mins

  • Ukraine’s Gift to the House of Freedom

    Vladimir Putin insisted in 2021 that Ukraine has no right to exist independent of the Russian Motherland. Then came the invasion and, much to Moscow's surprise, things went very badly indeed. Right now, as heroes continue to tear the heart out of the Russian forces, Putin appears snookered -- and even Xi Jinping has been given food for thought

    Oct 13 2022

    20 mins

  • How Wokeists are Working to Destroy the Family

    How to push back against wokeist ideology and its claim to champion a new humanism? First by noting how critical race theory, critical gender theory and the like are less progressive than regressive because they aim to abolish a civilisational arrangement that has provided us with 'a whisper of intimacy and irreplaceability'—the origins of our true humanity

    Sep 26 2022

    20 mins

  • The Menace of the Anti-West Westerners

    Douglas Murray’s 'The War on the West' is simultaneously droll and distressing, a fine overview of the destructive Left and its determination not to rest until we all submit to its ever-expanding totalitarian ambitions. The duty of all sensible people is to resist.

    Aug 02 2022

    24 mins

  • The Avoidable War with China, According to Kevin Rudd

    We need only consult Rudd’s 'The Avoidable War' to understand the thinking of Team Albanese. There is, first, the acceptance Sino-US relations are in a phase of strategic competition. The second element holds that the guidance of experts fluent in English and Mandarin is essential -- the likes of Kevin Rudd, in other words

    Jun 15 2022

    20 mins

  • Churchill’s Lesson for Our Time

    Wars occur, as with the First and Second World Wars, when national leaders perceive themselves to be in a superior position. Watching the US demean itself before the Iranian regime, the greatest sponsor of terrorism in the Middle east, might have told Putin all he thought he needed to know about Joe Biden and his administration

    May 13 2022

    20 mins

  • Pique in the Name of Principle Equals Self-Harm

    It's no secret many conservatives are less than pleased with the Liberals, what with the party's radical wing holding views overlapping those of Labor and even The Greens. But to favour Labor candidates in five vital seats, as the Australian Christian Lobby is doing, represents a calamitous folly when the ultimate beneficiaries will be Anthony Albanese & Co

    Apr 11 2022

    8 mins

  • The Gangster Who Reigns Over the Kremlin

    Apart from his military triumphs over Russia's smaller neighbours, Vladimir Putin remains a leader of no moral or visionary seriousness. It is this absence of an ideology, as Quadrant's Daryl McCann noted in this 2012 review which we republish today, that underscores the politics of thuggery and a hoodlum's propensity to terminate all and anything causing him grief

    Feb 26 2022

    13 mins

  • Joe Biden and the Struggle for the World

    Washington’s commitment to the Quad alliance and AUKUS is an obvious if belated response to the ambitions of China in the Indo-Pacific region. Other than that, Joe Biden’s charting of US foreign policy has so far encompassed no more than a jumbled and contradictory permutation of Obama-style appeasement and Trumanesque containment

    Feb 02 2022

    17 mins