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Daryl McCann

Daryl McCann

The Latest From Daryl McCann

  • The New Totalitarians

    Patriotism in the White House, in any other era, would not have been anything out of the ordinary. In the America of managerialism and 'global governance', not to mention identity politics, Trump’s patriotism plunges the chattering classes into fits of frothing indignation

    Apr 28 2017

    13 mins

  • Alt-Right v Alt-Left

    The totalitarianism of PC rectitude reveals itself any time a member of an ascribed tribe defers to conscience and thereby labels themselves an 'identity traitor'. The antidote is a colour-blind alliance predicated on enlightened patriotism and Western civilisation

    Mar 22 2017

    13 mins

  • When Walls Trump Bridges

    The Left, as usual, wishes to cast the White House executive order banning residents of seven ardently Islamic countries as being motivated by race and religious prejudice. It's an entirely predictable stance and, as always, it seeks to obscure the obvious beneath social-justice boilerplate

    Feb 13 2017

    8 mins

  • The Tsar and the Sultan

    Two demagogues have inserted their countries into a monstrous civilisational war between millennialist Shia fundamentalists and apocalyptic Sunni fundamentalists. There were always going to be consequences for such folly – the assassination of Ambassador Karlov is but one

    Dec 28 2016

    8 mins

  • Gloriously Unhinged by President Trump

    When a fabulously wealthy entertainer claims victimhood purely on the strength of her skin's melanin content and a very shady lady extols XX chromosomes as a prime qualifier for the White House, PC orthodoxy needed a good kicking. The incoming president just administered one

    Nov 14 2016

    9 mins

  • Battlers Against the System

    As demonstrated by both Trump and Sanders, a key feature in the 2016 US election has been a populist narrative about how foreign governments and companies, in cahoots with political and institutional insiders, have wrought ruin upon the nation

    Nov 02 2016

    10 mins

  • Obama’s War

    To combat a threat it is essential to recognise it and this US President simply cannot acknowledge that Islamist terror is a genuine peril, with one source citing him as likening it to the possibility of being killed in a bathroom fall. Is it any wonder the West is losing?

    Oct 12 2016

    12 mins

  • Obama the Great Divider

    The president once noted that slavery's legacy was a part of America’s DNA. The genius of his grievance is that it’s inextinguishable, as in no possibility of reconciliation and definitive settlement. 'White privilege' is forever—or, at any rate, as long as a social-justice warrior finds it useful

    Sep 25 2016

    12 mins

  • The Audacity of Crooked Hillary: Part 2

    This time there is no stained blue dress, but the Clinton machine's rote rejection of all evidence pointing to influence peddling during the Democratic candidate's time as Secretary of State is more of the same: we're the innocent victims of rabid right wingers' lies

    Sep 08 2016

    11 mins