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Daryl McCann

Daryl McCann

The Latest From Daryl McCann

  • J.D. Vance and the New Republican Party

    Vance, like many former-Never Trumpers, belatedly acknowledged that Trump was simply ahead of the curve when it came to economic nationalism and protectionist initiatives to defend the United States against the predatory and antagonistic practices of foreign interests—not least Beijing which, according to some estimates, steals as much as half a trillion dollars a year in American intellectual property.

    Aug 29 2024

    17 mins

  • Two Roads: Colourblindness versus Neoracism

    The new generation of 'anti-racists', including Ta-Nehisi Coates, Robin DiAngelo and Ibraham X. Kendi, have found various ways to confirm their neoracist analysis. In its simplest form, this one sentence by Kendi encapsulates their argument: 'When I see racial disparities, I see racism' 

    Aug 25 2024

    16 mins

  • China’s Dream, America’s Nightmare

    Xi and his coterie are going about the business of stealthily disintegrating the one power, America, standing in the way of the Middle Kingdom assuming its place as the dominant world power. For that to occur America must be broken and defeated, preferably 'without fighting', just as Sun Tzu recommended

    May 20 2024

    18 mins

  • Conservatism as Localism in Steubenville, Ohio

    It was not so long ago, historically speaking, that this Ohio town was booming. And then, like so many other communities in America's heartland, it was hollowed out as factories closed down and the main street became a strip of urban blight. The answers are many, but far more interesting is that a new community, conservative in nature, is bringing a town back to life 

    Apr 18 2024

    21 mins

  • Russia, China and Iran: An Uneasy Alliance of Rogues

    The West's delusion, not least that of the US, was that it could do business with Tehran. Instead, while the Obama and Biden administration lavished access to billions of dollars on Iran, opportunism drew Moscow and the mullahs together. The latter hopes Putin will aid their nuclear quest, the former warily appreciative of the drones unleashed against Ukraine -- and, in the last 24 hours, against Israel

    Apr 14 2024

    21 mins

  • No World Order

    US foreign policy under Donald Trump’s tenure was nationalist but not isolationist. He stood up to Russia when it counted -- at Khasham in 2018, for example, when he unleashed hellfire on Wagner soldiers threatening a US base in Syria, prompting Putin to thereafter steer well clear. Today everything has changed. Iran attacks American bases with apparent impunity while Houthis sink Red Sea shipping

    Mar 21 2024

    21 mins

  • Cultures are Good, Civilisation is Bad

    Australia’s 'educated classes', asserts William J Lines in Romancing the Primitive, have lost faith in the virtues of Western civilisation. Trapped in a zero-sum paradigm, social justice warriors view the past as a purely moral drama of villains and victims and have, accordingly, 'idealised Aboriginal life beyond recognition'. We have come a long way from the liberalism of First Fleet observer Watkin Tench

    Dec 21 2023

    16 mins

  • The Meaning of October 7

    Islamic revivalism—be it Hamas, Islamic Jihad, al-Qaeda, Islamic State, Hezbollah or the Islamic Republic of Iran—will not rest until the obstacle of the 'Little Satan' is overcome to make way for a brave new world of theocratic totalitarianism. Israel, if it wishes to survive in the long term, has no choice but to destroy its mortal enemy or, at the very least, seriously diminish its power, reach and influence

    Dec 13 2023

    20 mins

  • Nixon and Kissinger: Bringing China in from the Cold

    Kissinger worries that all the work he and Nixon did back in 1971-72 to open an effective long-term relationship between Washington and Beijing is being undone and, far worse, that we may well be headed for a Sino-US war. A naysayer might counter that the work he and Nixon did is the very reason very we might be heading for war. First published in September's edition, this analysis is reprised upon news of Kissinger's death

    Dec 01 2023

    19 mins