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Corry Macleod

Corry Macleod

The Latest From Corry Macleod

  • A Bedtime Story

    "The nest is a very deep place and the warmth is all around me. There is a faraway sound of water bouncing on the leaves -- it is raining. There is something special about rain ... Oh yes—there will be snails tomorrow"

    Feb 18 2024

    5 mins

  • The Baby Licence

    A Quadrant short story: 'It’s all super simple, you shouldn’t have any trouble,' said Bunty Trotter, 'assuming compliance of course. And as you know it’s not actually compulsory -- only if you’d like the baby to get medical attention, or go to school, or travel'

    Dec 29 2023

    7 mins

  • Remembering Sandsville

    There had been a tragic earthquake in Sandsville, a hundred […]

    Mar 31 2022

    15 mins