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The Latest From admin

  • Bruce Beresford: Favourite Poems

    Bruce Beresford has selected “On Seeing an Old Poet in the Café Royal” by John Betjeman, and “All the Happiness Ahead” by Michael Cullup. The reader is Lionel Farrell.

    May 03 2010

    1 mins

  • Glikson or Nova?

    Quadrant Online's climate debate between Andrew Glikson and Joanne Nova. Join the discussion.

    Apr 30 2010

    2 mins

  • Great Books discussion

    What are the Great Books of Liberty? How did A Clockwork Orange get in there? Join the online discussion.

    Apr 26 2010

    2 mins

  • Andrew Bolt: Favourite Sonnets

    Two sonnets selected by Andrew Bolt and read by Lionel Farrell.

    Apr 19 2010

    1 mins

  • Jordie Albiston: poems

    Poems written and read by Melbourne poet Jordie Albiston.

    Apr 19 2010

    2 mins

  • Faine-ing indignation

    Jon Faine: “Tony Abbott has a history of being late. In fact, it’s got him into trouble during election campaigns, it’s got him into trouble in various ways. He manages to be on time for a triathlon. He’s now 15 minutes late for his appointment here.”

    Apr 05 2010

    2 mins

  • Clive James on Les Murray

    Clive James: “Some day soon, perhaps, a jet will take him to Stockholm. Only occasionally changing its personnel and never changing its dark suits, the Nobel Prize committee has seldom been a good judge of poetry, but once in a blue moon they get it right, and Murray’s world currency is hard to miss.”

    Apr 01 2010

    2 mins

  • Babette Smith: Favourite Poems

    AUDIO: Babette Smith has chosen two favourite poems - “A Bush Christening” and “The Birthstain”. The reader is Lionel Farrell.

    Mar 29 2010

    5 mins

  • Indoctrinating a new generation

    Kevin Donnelly: “The ex-communist and historian, Stuart Macintyre, strongly defends his new creation as balanced and impartial and argues that critics have failed to analyse the history curriculum in any detailed way.”

    Mar 29 2010

    1 mins