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The Latest From admin

  • CSIRO’s “denialist” slide show

    Anthony Watts: “I find that while I’m doing my tour in Australia, CSIRO organized a meeting that is designed to combat the sort of inconvenient discussions I’m having. Fortunately, I’ve been given the whole slide show.”

    Jun 20 2010

    1 mins

  • Fireworks Down Under

    Anthony Watts on the attempted hijacking of his Brisbane lecture by an Australian academic.

    Jun 17 2010

    2 mins

  • Blogger tours continent

    An historic occasion. Anthony Watts’ Australian lecture tour has begun.

    Jun 13 2010

    1 mins

  • Challenging “State of the Climate”

    Fair Farming Group: "In the absence of sound science the case has not been made for the economic costs to agriculture and industry associated with an ETS."

    Jun 09 2010

    3 mins

  • ABC Agony Aunt

    “Valerie, a Labor supporter, phoned in to chew the fat with [ABC radio announcer] Jon Faine about the heartache Labor is giving true believers like her and her friends at the moment.”

    Jun 04 2010

    1 mins

  • Betrayal

    Simon Benson’s is the first book which captures the disillusionment which followed the glory days of Kevin 07 - and the chicanery of The Lodge's present tenant.

    Jun 04 2010

    1 mins

  • Glorious stupidity

    The Wheeler Centre’s “Festival of Intolerance” rolls on with the announcement of even more speakers - but not a sceptic in sight.

    Jun 02 2010

    1 mins

  • Greg Melleuish on Counterpoint

    This week historian Gregory Melleuish was on ABC radio’s Counterpoint discussing history teaching in schools and his recent Quadrant article “The Dubious Future of History”.

    Jun 02 2010

    0 mins

  • Israel hatred at Overland

    Philip Mendes: “[Overland’s contributors] form a mad hatter’s picnic of fanatical attacks on Israel and supporters of Israel followed by more fanatical attacks of the same ilk.” 

    May 29 2010

    5 mins