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The Latest From admin

  • Climate Change Lunacy

    The author of a new book on climate scepticism, Mark Lawson, is a senior journalist who writes on environmental matters for the Australian Financial Review. Remarkable.

    Jul 09 2010

    2 mins

  • Mystery needs resolving

    Writing in the Spectator Peter Coleman has publicised what Paul Monk calls a “great mystery”. Why the Mitrokhin documents dealing with Soviet spies in Australia remain suppressed.

    Jul 09 2010

    1 mins

  • Roger Sandall on Windschuttle

    Writing for the New Criterion Roger Sandall has reviewed Keith Windschuttle on the Stolen Generations. A book the local intelligentsia seem to have overlooked.

    Jul 09 2010

    1 mins

  • Des Moore talks to Alan Jones

    Des Moore was interviewed by Alan Jones on Islamic extremism in Australia. A topic our politicians are avoiding. 

    Jul 08 2010

    0 mins

  • Crikey criticises Flannery

    Crikey has published an article by Andrew Macintosh, associate director of the ANU Centre for Climate Law and Policy, criticising Tim Flannery. Macintosh disputes seven claims Flannery made in a Sydney Morning Herald opinion piece.

    Jul 07 2010

    3 mins

  • Bulldust: Oz blogger hero

    Anthony Watts claims that in November 2009 an Australian contributor to his blog was the first to dub the breaking CRU scandal “ClimateGate”.

    Jul 07 2010

    0 mins

  • Carter on Counterpoint

    This week Professor Bob Carter was interviewed about his new book on ABC radio.

    Jul 06 2010

    0 mins

  • Christopher Koch: Favourite Poems

    Christopher Koch has selected “Ode on a Grecian Urn” by John Keats, and “Five Bells” by Kenneth Slessor. Both poems are read by Lionel Farrell.

    Jul 04 2010

    0 mins

  • The Green Dollar

    John Black: “The Greens are the richest group of voters in Australian politics. The poorest of course are the National Party voters.”

    Jun 30 2010

    3 mins