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  • One million plus

    Quadrant Online has reached a remarkable milestone. Its readership now amounts to more than one million page views per year. This makes Quadrant Online by far the most widely read website of any of the Australian journals of ideas and literature with which it competes, on either the left or right of the political spectrum. 

    Sep 12 2010

    1 mins

  • September Quadrant

    Quadrant is Australia’s leading journal of ideas, essays, literature, poetry, and political and historical debate.

    Aug 29 2010

    0 mins

  • Left meltdown

    Dan Nolan: “Were you to take at face value the grotesque outpouring of utter vitriol from the left-aligned members of the twitter cognoscenti, you would have thought Tony Abbott had taken up a policy of punching babies, burning down forests and beheading immigrants personally.”

    Aug 24 2010

    2 mins

  • Tasmania’s greenshirts

    Miranda Devine: “John Gay’s wife was spat at in the supermarket and the Tasmanian media sat on the fence as a good man’s reputation was destroyed.”

    Aug 19 2010

    2 mins

  • CSIRO gets political

    Michael Borgas, president, CSIRO Staff Association: “And in Australia, CSIRO, the Bureau of Meteorology, and many other science agencies have been attacked and threatened in Senate estimates by politicians and in the right-wing media such as Quadrant and The Australian.”

    Aug 18 2010

    2 mins

  • Seen from the US

    Ross Terrill: “Gillard faces a thoughtful conservative, Tony Abbott of the Liberal-National party, in a close tussle, and the result is important to U.S. interests. Gillard would support Obama’s worst foreign policy instincts, while Abbott would resist them.”

    Aug 18 2010

    2 mins

  • Readings by Lionel Farrell

    Fine readings of fine poems in Quadrant Online's Favourite Poems series of recordings.

    Aug 15 2010

    0 mins

  • ALP dumps workers

    On Counterpoint Michael Thompson explains how the Labor party turned against their own base.

    Aug 11 2010

    0 mins

  • Shame story

    Environment Minister Peter Garrett welcomes the inclusion of convict sites on the UNESCO World Heritage list. Yet political cowardice has left the second oldest site of Australian settlement vandalised and derelict.

    Aug 04 2010

    0 mins