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The Latest From admin

  • An Australian tragedy

    Andrew Bolt: “The four ‘independent experts’ appointed by Gillard to advise the committee include people who are either not expert (in global warming policies, at least) or not independent.”

    Sep 27 2010

    2 mins

  • Carbon greenmail

    The New City: “Greenmail occurs when officials and activists with media power disrupt stability and certainty in a particular industry, maintaining pressure and an air of crisis, to intimidate business leaders who hold out against some senseless green measure.”

    Sep 27 2010

    3 mins

  • Dumbing down debate

    Kerry O’Brien: “I spoke with Tim Flannery in Sydney today.”

    Sep 26 2010

    5 mins

  • The problem is us

    Video of Ayaan Hirsi Ali telling an unhappy Sydney interviewer how Australians should be dealing with Muslim immigrants.

    Sep 26 2010

    0 mins

  • Heartland’s Sydney seminar

    The Heartland Institute’s one day climate seminar will take place in Sydney next Friday. Featuring Chris de Freitas, Bob Carter, Jo Nova, Cory Bernardi, David Evans, Alan Moran, and Barun S. Mitra. Registrations are free.

    Sep 23 2010

    0 mins


    A right-minded perspective that includes an entire spectrum of opinion from thoughtful and reserved to bold and brash. 

    Sep 22 2010

    1 mins

  • Black ban on Bolt

    Media reports of a legal attempt to censor Andrew Bolt.

    Sep 20 2010

    4 mins

  • International BlogAid

    The National Bank is evicting the Thompson family in Western Australia and the international blog world is asking for help.

    Sep 19 2010

    1 mins

  • The Fable of All Our Lives

    Peter Kocan, poet, novelist, critic, essayist and regular Quadrant contributor, has just published a new novel.

    Sep 19 2010

    1 mins