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  • Green for danger

    Charles Moore: “If the drift of this TV programme is correct, the consequences for politics will be large. There will be a political prize, I suspect, for the first party which dares to put its eggs elsewhere.”

    Nov 10 2010

    2 mins

  • From defeat to rout

    National Review: “The Republicans deserve some credit for their own success. The early popularity of the president did not prevent them from opposing a bloated stimulus, and they rejected the superficial arguments for cooperating with the Democrats in extending government control of health care. They refused, in short, to acquiesce in their widely predicted extinction.”

    Nov 04 2010

    2 mins

  • Protecting Australia’s history

    Mervyn Bendle speaks with Chris Smith on 2GB about the attacks being made by the academic Left on the teaching of history in the school curriculum. As the assault on our history continues there has been widespread community concern about the denigration of Anzac Day. 

    Oct 29 2010

    0 mins

  • Campaign countdown

    Mark Steyn: “So we’re not facing ‘decline’. We’re already in it. What comes next is the ‘fall’ – sudden, devastating, off the cliff. That’s why this election is consequential.”

    Oct 26 2010

    2 mins

  • The “precautionary principle”

    Josephine Kelly: “The only real chance the climate sceptics had of winning the debate was to challenge the fundamental principle on which the theory was based, the precautionary principle .”

    Oct 25 2010

    1 mins

  • Wounded freedom

    Video of Keith Windschuttle on the threats to our freedom of speech.

    Oct 25 2010

    0 mins

  • Václav Klaus on liberty

    In a major speech on climate change President of the Czech Republic, Václav Klaus, referred to writers and articles published in Quadrant. Thanks to the internet voices ignored and censored in Australia are heard beyond our shores. Seems the old Left tactic of ignoring critics isn’t working so well anymore.

    Oct 20 2010

    3 mins

  • Insider on insiders

    Australian Conservative: “Barrie Cassidy assumes, of course, that the prime minister has the capacity for something more. Her record is extremely thin. Even when she switched from puppet Julia to the real Julia mid-campaign, nothing really changed.”

    Oct 19 2010

    1 mins

  • Plimer on the Royal Society

    Ian Plimer discusses the Royal Society’s updated guide to climate with Michael Duffy on Counterpoint.

    Oct 18 2010

    0 mins