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The Latest From admin

  • Blogger novelist

    Blogger novelist One of Australia’s most successful bloggers (and Quadrant readers) has published a novel. Amazon readers say it’s great.

    Mar 09 2011

    3 mins

  • Five star interview

    The ABC is notoriously mean spirited towards Coalition politicians. A Counterpoint interview with Philip Ruddock allows, for once, a sensible discussion of our flawed immigration industry to be heard. 

    Mar 04 2011

    3 mins

  • Bob Carter interview

    Bob Carter’s calls for action against Gillard’s carbon dioxide tax, published in Doomed Planet, have flashed around the world. Listen to him in this interview with Chris Smith.

    Mar 02 2011

    0 mins

  • Blindness in academia

    John Quiggin “There is not a single economist in Australia with any professional credibility who denies the reality of global warming or the need for a global policy response.”

    Feb 09 2011

    2 mins

  • Obituary: Maria Schneider

    Maria Schneider: “Never take your clothes off for middle-aged men who claim that it’s art.”

    Feb 06 2011

    1 mins

  • Big Green bullies

    SMH: “The mayor of Randwick, Murray Matson, a Green, applauded the hardline stance taken by the court, which he said would make others think twice in the future about damaging public trees.”

    Feb 03 2011

    2 mins

  • Your taxes at work (part 1,476)

    Extract from the latest Australian Historical Association newsletter.

    Feb 01 2011

    1 mins

  • On Muslim integration

    Lee Kuan Yew: “I think we were progressing very nicely until the surge of Islam came ... I would say today, we can integrate all religions and races except Islam.” 

    Jan 31 2011

    2 mins

  • Australia Day poems

    In celebration of Australia Day Lionel Farrell reads poems by Kenneth Slessor, “Banjo” Paterson, Dame Mary Gilmour, and Christopher Brennan.

    Jan 23 2011

    0 mins