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The Latest From admin

  • The Galileo Movement

    “Our efforts are non-political as there are politicians in all parties who need to be convinced of the futility of taxing a beneficial trace gas in the atmosphere.”

    May 15 2011

    1 mins

  • Book burning in Sydney

    The Fisher Library at the University of Sydney has received $27 million in Federal funding – and are using the money to get rid of their books.

    May 15 2011

    4 mins

  • Top book, top seller

    While conservative writers are ignored by Australia's Left publishing houses, John Howard’s book, Lazarus Rising, has sold more copies than any other political memoir.

    May 12 2011

    1 mins

  • Max Rheese on Counterpoint

    Listen to Max Rheese on Counterpoint, talking about the opposition to wind farms.

    May 09 2011

    0 mins

  • New Scientist & the blogger

    The New Scientist has investigated the false story of climate refugees propagated by the warmists without crediting the Aussie blogger who saw the holes in the story the experts missed - it never happened.

    May 06 2011

    2 mins

  • Insults replace debate

    The Australian: ‘The president of the Australian Conservation Foundation has attacked the “scientific bastardry” of climate change sceptics amid weakening public consensus that humans are to blame.’

    Apr 29 2011

    1 mins

  • Terrorism charity

    Sydney [Left] Writers Festival: “David Hicks was in the Pakistan/Afghanistan region undertaking training to help the people of Kashmir when the September 11 attacks changed everything, leading to his imprisonment in Guantánamo Bay.”

    Apr 26 2011

    1 mins

  • Bunyipitude unleashed!

    Voice from the Billabong: “The answer must surely reside in that closed, hermetically sealed container in which the likeminded love each other’s work. It is a small and stinky world under the lid, a place where there is no tolerance whatsoever for the antiseptic benefits of dissent’s sunlight.”

    Apr 25 2011

    1 mins

  • Behrendt Tweet cover-up

    The Australian: “Using a post-modern political map, any view challenging their own is labelled "right wing" and their own fringe positions are treated as mainstream.”

    Apr 23 2011

    1 mins