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The Latest From admin

  • Mark Steyn’s new book

    Mark Steyn’s new book, After America: Get Ready for Armageddon, has just been published in the US.

    Aug 10 2011

    1 mins

  • Convoy Cate on Counterpoint

    Cate Stuart is one of the organisers of the “Convoy of No Confidence”. She spoke to Michael Duffy on Counterpoint.

    Aug 08 2011

    0 mins

  • Quadrant on Counterpoint

    Keith Windshuttle from Quadrant and Tom Switzer from The Spectator discuss the role and relevance of traditional magazines in an age of digital media.

    Aug 08 2011

    0 mins

  • Not on same page

    The real reason Julia Gillard won’t meet with Vaclav Klaus.

    Jul 28 2011

    0 mins

  • Ove’s right, it speaks for itself

    Did you know that academics get their name as authors on academic publications because they raised the research money? That’s the claim made by professor Ove Hoegh-Guldberg in a blog discussion with Marc Hendrickx.

    Jul 02 2011

    1 mins

  • Les Murray at St. Andrews

    On 23 June, Les Murray, Quadrant’s Literary Editor, was was presented with an Honorary Degree of Doctor of Letters by  the University of St. Andrews.

    Jul 01 2011

    4 mins

  • Dear Prime Minister

    Quadrant Online is publishing an Open Report to the Prime Minister by the Fair Farming Group which brings further challenges to the government’s carbon dioxide tax. Will she listen?

    Jun 23 2011

    1 mins

  • Death threats – “an opportunistic ploy”

    The Telegraph: “Claims prominent climate change scientists had recently received death threats have been revealed as an opportunistic ploy, with the Australian National University admitting that they occurred up to five years ago.”

    Jun 09 2011

    1 mins

  • The Greens are coming!

    Finally, a book (to be published in July) which examines Green policies and  their devastating consequences if enacted. Why has it taken so long?

    Jun 08 2011

    1 mins