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The Latest From admin

  • Racism on the menu

    Marcia Langton: “Patrick McCauley, speaking for the old Quadrant club of white men who lunch…”

    Jan 23 2012

    1 mins

  • Misogynistic historical fantasy

    Sam Sorbo: “The filmmakers, seemingly confused about Thatcher’s actual, incredible successes, focus on her dementia and femininity while categorically denying her capability.”

    Jan 18 2012

    1 mins

  • Bravo real Iron Lady

    Miranda Devine: “The last movie I walked out of was a Reservoir Dogs video, during the dental torture scene. But I was pregnant at the time and squeamish. This time it was Iron Lady.”

    Jan 12 2012

    1 mins

  • Doomsday fun

    Tim Blair: ‘Like most normal people, when I think of modern performance art I immediately want the world to end.’

    Jan 11 2012

    1 mins

  • Streep-phobia

    John Nolte: ‘The overrated Meryl Streep (whose acting meter broke decades ago) proves once again that this current crop of actors the world is saddled with is about as classless a bunch as we’ll ever see (hopefully).’

    Jan 11 2012

    1 mins

  • Dollar facts & fiction: debate

    John Stone: "The first draft of history, they say, is written by the journalists. It would be truer to say that it is written by the politicians and political advisers from whom most journalists obtain their copy. Given also the strong Labor Party affiliations of most Canberra press gallery journalists, the 'history' that initially gets written is invariably weighted towards Labor’s version of events."

    Dec 31 2011

    1 mins

  • Christmas 2011: John Izzard

    Almost as good as Quadrant. The slaughter never stops. The take-over bids never end. Best read wearing protective clothing.

    Dec 22 2011

    1 mins

  • Christmas 2011: Patrick McCauley

    A year's reading.

    Dec 21 2011

    1 mins

  • Christmas 2011: Sophie Masson

    Not to be missed. Action-packed, tender and tragic, it features magnificent acting, settings, costumes and extraordinary battle scenes.

    Dec 21 2011

    4 mins