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Ciaran J. Ryan

Ciaran J. Ryan

The Latest From Ciaran J. Ryan

  • South Sudan: “Never Again” Again

    It is only worth repeating because, now more than ever, […]

    May 31 2017

    11 mins

  • Shorten’s Sunday Lie-in

    The Fair Work Commission's modest reductions to weekend penalty rates saw the opposition leader exercising his most formidable skill: a shameless capacity to fulminate and posture -- in this case with the aid of a full-blown imposter

    Feb 28 2017

    5 mins

  • Slamming the Door on Delusion

    Having begrudgingly accepted the role as the world’s policeman, the US is coming slowly to grasp that it is virtually impossible to sow and see prosper Western cultural values in fundamentally incompatible regions. That's not bigotry, it's reality

    Feb 03 2017

    7 mins