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Christopher Akehurst

Christopher Akehurst

The Latest From Christopher Akehurst

  • Deconstructing the Calendar

    Leftists would no doubt get rid of Anzac Day if they could, which makes you wonder, since they’re in charge of just about everything, what fresh public holidays we would see. Dismissal Day, the feast of St Gough, is a certainty, the first on a long list of woke and certain inclusions

    Apr 06 2020

    10 mins

  • Closet Fliers

    Leftists, in my experience, are not the kind to be inconvenienced by principles, so we can expect them to stand ready with imaginative justifications for denying others the same exemptions they grant themselves. To observe one of the most current examples, visit the departure lounge at your local airport

    Mar 20 2020

    7 mins

  • Cardinal George Pell, Australia’s Dreyfus

    The solitary confinement in which Cardinal Pell languishes, like the authorities' refusal to let him celebrate the Mass, strikes me as venomous spite. I am reliably informed, for example, that any letter addressed to 'Cardinal Pell' will not reach him in his cell. In Victoria, officially sanctioned humiliation is passed off as justice

    Feb 11 2020

    7 mins

  • The Flame Blame Game

    One doesn’t wish to be cynical, but the bushfires have been a gift to the Marxist fantasists who manipulate the international climate conspiracy for their own ideological ends and the useful idiots who parrot their apocalyptic predictions in the media and elsewhere

    Feb 07 2020

    8 mins

  • The Way, the Truth and the Rainbow

    A humble Michigan priest tells a gay parishioner she cannot take Communion while living in sin with her female partner. He is slandered, harassed and made the target of a media pile-on. This time, though, his bishop backed him and church teaching to the hilt. There's a lesson there for Australia's prelates

    Jan 10 2020

    6 mins

  • Ladies First

    The Workplace Gender Equality Agency has so assiduously promoted gender equality in its own workplace that its 'leadership team' of five is entirely female. To paraphrase George Orwell, all are equal in Equal Opportunities but some are more equal than others

    Dec 13 2019

    7 mins

  • Gone with the Wind

    The only practical way to halt this invasion of hilltop bird mincers would be to hang on to as many reliable, coal-consuming power stations as possible, but doing that would require politicians with the courage to tell the climate-panic industry to back off

    Oct 31 2019

    7 mins

  • A Second Language it Pays to Learn

    The real innovatory value of mastering -- apologies for the inherent sexism of 'master' -- the Inclusive tongue in which Victoria's public servants are being immersed lies in its application to gender sensitivity, which, along with climate, is now considered the most pressing moral issue of our time

    Oct 24 2019

    7 mins

  • The Nun’s Story

    How many older women, seduced by feminist anti-maleness in the Greer–Friedan years, ditched their husbands and are now sour and lonely? How many girls schooled in 'sexual politics' will find relations with men more contractual than loving? Has it occurred to the radical Sister Joans of this world that the secular leftism they promote is the sworn foe of the faith they profess?

    Sep 21 2019

    7 mins