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Christopher Akehurst

Christopher Akehurst

The Latest From Christopher Akehurst

  • Pell Acquitted, You Say? Well the Show Must Go On

    Child abuse put Ballarat on the world map for a time, and child abuse, if that city’s civic art gallery’s best efforts succeed, is going to put it back. Why let the Ballarat 'brand' drift away on the tide of fading memory when there are grants and taxpayer dollars aplenty for an exhibition of anti-Catholic spleen?

    Jul 20 2021

    6 mins

  • Agatha Christie and the Attempted Murder of the Old Mass

    The Second Vatican Council recommended mild reform to the eucharistic rite but radical liturgists, who managed as leftists always do to install themselves as the arbiters of change, went much further. The Tridentine Mass survived their worst efforts and has lately thrived, but what does Pope Francis have in mind?

    Jul 11 2021

    10 mins

  • Bizarro World on the Yarra

    What's going on south of the Murray is strange indeed. Premier Andrews vanishes amid rumour and unanswered questions. A Greens councillor goes all Allahu Akbar on gays. About the only thing to match expectations has been a judicial inquiry intended to find nothing and which dutifully did just that

    Jun 25 2021

    6 mins

  • Pride and a New Prejudice

    We could do with some good news here in Melbourne, […]

    May 31 2021

    7 mins

  • Pride and a New Prejudice

    The GLBTI-and-so-on ‘community’ is a paid-up player in the vipers’ pit of the Left's competing ‘identities’. The homeless of St Kilda, many of them Aborigines, have no such clout, so expect them to be moved briskly along when the new Pride Centre opens its rate- and taxpayer-funded doors for 'tomboy parties' and the like

    Apr 24 2021

    6 mins

  • Modern Christians’ Crown of Thorns

    The ABC is scrupulous, when anything supposedly offensive to Aborigines is coming up, in interpolating an unctuous ‘warning’, but never feels obliged to alert Christians that a torrent of blasphemy is on the way, which these days comes in a ceaseless stream. No need to guess what would be in store for any comic who dared sneer at the Rainbow Serpent

    Jan 13 2021

    6 mins

  • The Puzzle of the Pope

    Christ distinguished between the two sets of obligations, spiritual and civic, by separating the obligations of faith from those of politics. Pope Francis, on the other hand, has plenty to say about Caesar, it's just that his views and pronouncements are those of The Guardian

    Dec 10 2020

    16 mins

  • The Continued Decline of the Suburban Church

    even years ago I wrote an article in Quadrant on the slow but steady erosion of the suburban church as a centre of community activity and faith. Since then the decline has gathered speed. Fancy a used pew or perhaps a pulpit? You’ll find them for sale on eBay

    Jul 26 2020

    10 mins

  • George Pell and the Ladies of the Left

    The next time you hear some strident feminist sounding off about glass ceilings and the supposed exclusion of women from decision-making, think of the case of George Pell. No connection? Oh yes there is. Gender quotas were not only filled but arguably exceeded by the volume of female participation in the long and sorry saga of the cardinal’s persecution

    Apr 17 2020

    7 mins