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Christopher Akehurst

Christopher Akehurst

The Latest From Christopher Akehurst

  • Longfellow Wrongfellow

    Were the poet to take up his pen these days, well let's just say his gendered language, patriarchal values and indifference to rainbow issues would see him urged to change his ways or be stripped of arts-grant funding. How difficult, the commissars of culture might ask, would it be to produce couplets hailing non-binary toilet blocks and the green majesty of wind turbines

    Apr 26 2022

    3 mins

  • After the Queen, A King Who Will Not Learn?

    It seems as though she has always been there and—though […]

    Mar 31 2022

    9 mins

  • Keyboard Ticklers on the Yarra

    For the next seven days in the city formerly known as 'Melbourne', we have Naarm Writers’ Week, with perhaps the biggest cast of publicly subsidised transgressive nonentities you’ve mostly never heard of. Not to worry, though. The important thing is that the Australia Council knows where to send their cheques

    Mar 11 2022

    5 mins

  • The ABC That Might Have Been

    The dropsical behemoth that is the national broadcaster of today does not represent value for the billion-plus taxpayer dollars spent on it each year. That doesn’t worry leftists because, from writers’ festivals to “Safe Schools” and whatever edgy, little-watched fare the ABC produces and presents, they always expect other people to subsidise their indulgences

    Mar 03 2022

    11 mins

  • Peronist Pontiff Gasbags with Addled American

    When a senile opportunist bound for Glasgow stops off in Rome to chinwag with a Peronist schemer on Oct 29 we can expect each to outdo the other in lecturing us on what we should be going without for the sake of the weather. One hopes the wind of their utterances will be sustainably harvested to power the floodlighting of St Peter’s

    Oct 27 2021

    6 mins

  • Who Will Rid Us of the Andrews Curse?

    You have to admit that Victoria's Premier has been remarkably successful for a figure blessed not with great intellectual gifts or imagination but only a brazen rat cunning. That has been enough, however, to debase Victoria Police as his political enforcers, to gut Melbourne's CBD, ruin businesses by their thousands and, China-style, stomp on traditional liberties

    Oct 13 2021

    7 mins

  • Chipping Away at Names for the Nation

    Aboriginal activists, and the white ideologues who have infected them with the pernicious hate-based politics of race, have just about stopped all progress towards the much lauded but little seen state of 'reconciliation'. Now the policy is separatism from which only those who wish to see Australia in its present form destroyed can hope to profit

    Sep 29 2021

    9 mins

  • Democracy Dies in the Absence of Trust

    We used to trust our governments, whether we voted for the party in power or not, to do their best to look after everyone’s best interests. We don’t any more because governments, like Victoria’s regime and its nakedly politicised police force, have shown that they only look after the interests of the minority factions that screech the loudest and reflect its prejudices

    Sep 10 2021

    6 mins

  • The Rebranding of Abortion Inc.

    Marie Stopes International has realised their foundress is no one to brag about. To shed the association but keep the substance they’ve come up with the brilliant idea that the global abortion mill should follow the Colonel Sanders technique of brand refreshment and switch to initials

    Aug 11 2021

    6 mins