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Christopher Akehurst

Christopher Akehurst

The Latest From Christopher Akehurst

  • Now We Can Travel Again…

    Keen travellers that most Aussies are, many of us suffered agonies locked down during the pandemic. Happily, with the borders open again we’ve been making up for lost time. In a random quiz at an airport near you, some recently returning travellers told us how their trips went

    Sep 22 2022

    7 mins

  • How the Elites Will Keep Their Lights On

    When the full impact of net zero hits we can expect a new category of 'premium consumers' – platinum users, gold users, some name like that -- who will pay extra to be guaranteed reliable power. It is ordinary families who will endure cold showers and meals cooked over primus flames. Those well-heeled Teal ladies and their enthusiasts aren't the sort to suffer with the hoi poloi

    Aug 23 2022

    5 mins

  • The Woke Blackfacing of Our Common Tongue

    Given the decline of Melbourne's CBD and the sorry stewardship of its councillors, the title 'deputy mayor' raises no expectation of insight or competence, even less of common sense. In advocating the adoption of Aboriginal words in everyday language, the ultra-woke Nicholas Reece ticks all those boxes and one more: a brand of stupidity simultaneously patronising and divisive

    Aug 01 2022

    5 mins

  • Dear Leader Dan Cares What You Eat

    ‘Planning weekday dinners’ -- a clever idea and remarkable that it hadn’t been thought of before Sustainability Victoria began taking ads in local rags to promote, well, some of the most unappetising slop since your dog tucked into its breakfast. Who comes up with this nonsense? The perpetually adolescent scolds and nannies in Premier Andrews' stickybeak public service

    Jul 14 2022

    6 mins

  • Old Macdonald Had a Wind Farm

    'Dave came in trailing clouds of feathers. He had been watching the turbines and was covered as usual with the remains of birds unfortunate enough to have flown into the vast blades. Mr Bandt, glad-handing representative of the Beautiful Wind Clean Energy Company, clutched his briefcase to his chest and backed away as Dad reached for his shotgun'

    Jul 09 2022

    10 mins

  • The Misandry of a Feminist Utopia

    Never heard of Equiterra, where streets paved with gender justice lead to the 'toxic masculinity recycling plant' and other woke destinations? Well that's no surprise as it exists only in the left-brained minds of those pushy gals from UN Women Australia, who might more accurately have titled their little map 'Here be dragons'

    Jun 22 2022

    9 mins

  • Woke Dudes with Mitres and Croziers

    Welcomes to country are ubiquitous as 'enjoy your day' and about as meaningful, although not in the eyes of Catholic bishops keen to see Ernie Dingo's theatrical invention included in the Mass. If that bid proves insufficient to refill the pews, well the Plenary Council's agenda is no less keen to curry favour with gays and Gaia

    Jun 11 2022

    6 mins

  • Hip Secularism Flounders in the Christian Pacific

    One of Australian diplomacy's most telling shortcomings has been the failure to grasp the importance of religion in Pacific life. Compounding that is an arrogant and ill-mannered advocacy of Western secularism that, as a veteran aid coordinator reports, has seen Christianity mocked with 'no concern ... given as to whether Pacific islanders are present'

    Jun 02 2022

    6 mins

  • If Only We Were More Reasonable

    Calm, cool reason could save us oceans of anguish, rancour, nervous collapse, broken friendships. Could it be that the adrenalin rush of being always in a state about something or other has become a necessary diversion from the contented boredom of life in a too comfortable, too privileged society? 

    May 23 2022

    7 mins