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Christopher Akehurst

Christopher Akehurst

The Latest From Christopher Akehurst

  • America’s Next Civil War

    The Deep State loathes Trump. Not only is he an outsider who barged into their cosy world of crony politics, but he threatens their hegemony and says he will take it from them with mass sackings and changes of personnel, and they are terrified he will. That is why they want him stopped at any price, even if it requires an assassin's bullet

    Aug 13 2024

    5 mins

  • Of All Places To Go At Easter

    Only Evangelical preachers still thunder away about the Bible; in less enthusiastic churches you are more likely to hear platitudes than the Beatitudes. Happily, though, sin is still uncompromisingly condemned. The evils of climate change and racism are regularly preached against. For Easter, a reprise of Christopher Akehurst's 2014 column

    Mar 29 2024

    5 mins

  • An Easy-Fit Boutique Identity

    It is only recently that Aboriginality became chic. Think, say, of a half-Aboriginal ABC pontificator who formerly emphasised his Anglo upbringing. Then, all at once and inspired by US racial politics, the pontificator promptly forswears the Anglo bit of his heritage, assumes thepersona of an Aborigine and becomes a much-lauded hero for his 'courage'. Don't fancy indigeneity? Not to worry, any number of gender identities are available for public display

    Feb 08 2024

    9 mins

  • Songs from the Kitchen

    Some of her favourite tunes were tinged by absurdity, but most were about love, many of the unrequited variety, as are most of the songs ever written. They are fading memories now, songs mostly forgotten, but not then, when I knew I was home from school and heard her voice issuing from the window at the back of our house as I turned in the front gate

    Jan 13 2024

    14 mins

  • How do I hate thee? Let me count the ways

    Abhorrence of Israel is now near universal and few apart from politicians with Jews in their electorates make any pretence at distinguishing between the race and the nation. But why the concentrated hate so visceral that it has led to derangement? In truth, the hatred has little to do with the labyrinthine politics of the Middle East and all to do with Israel’s existence as a democratic state. Put simply, the Left hates Israel because it hates ourselves

    Nov 21 2023

    5 mins

  • ‘Wominjeka’ to a Divided Nation

    Perhaps Aborigines, rather than being told what is good for them by a few alleged spokesmen schooled by inner-city Anglo know-alls, should be asked in a referendum which culture they would prefer to live in. The one we have, or the older one as it was in the barbaric days before our nation was founded. An indigenous voice on that question would be instructive

    Sep 04 2023

    7 mins

  • The Struggles of an Interstate Truck Driver

    I suggested that perhaps rail could take some of the pressure off road transport, but this didn't go down well with the driver of our 18-wheel Titanosaur, who was busy instilling terror left and right of the double lines. 'Bloody trains, they’re worse than women drivers at blocking the roads,' he sneered. Reinserting his false teeth, dislodged in his vehemence along with a dribble of Wild Turkey, he related how his drivers knew to treat trains with same contempt they display for all other road users

    Jun 17 2023

    7 mins

  • No Signs of Light in the West

    'We are in the grip of idiocy; you encounter it everywhere, from the ravings of climate lunatics about the world getting uninhabitably hot to the denials of biological reality by gender cranks, to the manufactured lies that pass as education, to the delusion that a senile President is some sort of leader. No government or individual has the capacity to suffocate this nonsense'

    Jan 20 2023

    15 mins

  • Faith on Foot: The Christus Rex Pilgrimage

    If people from all over Australia were marching through the countryside in favour of the Voice there’d be saturation coverage on the ABC. If they were out in force to extol the pride and pretensions of 'rainbow people' there’d be police and premiers marching at their head. None of those honours came the way of the more than 600 Christians who walked from Ballarat to Bendigo in the annual Christus Rex pilgrimage

    Dec 26 2022

    7 mins