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Chris Sheehan

Chris Sheehan

The Latest From Chris Sheehan

  • The West gets Avatar‘d and Feathered

    There are no shades of grey in James Cameron's latest film because he wants his audiences to admire and love the oh-so-moral and decent Na’vi. His goal is make us despise ourselves and shoulder a burden of great shame that something so beautiful as the pristine world of the noble savage should ever have been violated

    Jan 04 2023

    4 mins

  • Loving Humanity, Loathing People

    One of the bizarre signposts of our times is how, during COVID, the world was shut down with the stated intent of saving every fragile life, albeit at the great cost of face-to-face human interaction. Or consider the current clamour on the Left for the Voice -- a grandiose gesture instead of confronting the real problems and real agonies of real people

    Oct 18 2022

    4 mins

  • The Need for a Place to Stand

    At its best, the monarchy incorporates a profound solidity to be passed from generation to generation. To declare a republic and give the nation a new charter requires something metaphysically deep, a foundation of rock not of sand. Unless and until that is the case, I will not be voting, as in my youth, for severing us from the monarchy  

    Sep 19 2022

    3 mins

  • The Undermining of our License to Dwell

    A sense of illegitimacy is being fanned and exploited by activists black and white, including those teaching in our children’s classrooms. It puts our right to feel proud of ourselves and connected with our country in question. One doesn't need to be an Aborigine to know that sense of belonging to the land that made Australia

    Sep 04 2022

    12 mins