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Chris Leithner

Chris Leithner

The Latest From Chris Leithner

  • The Ethical Inferiority of Renewables

    Among the most despicable moral failings of the zealots of decarbonisation, environmental, social and governance principles is an indifference to the point of callousness that elevates a 'first world' ideology above all else -- including the welfare of the world’s poorest people. Bluntly, climate activists are at best shallow, parochial and self-centred, and at worst, greedy narcissists

    May 25 2023

    10 mins

  • The Learned Ignoramuses of Climate Science

    One only need cast one’s mind back to the darker days of the Covid pandemic to recall the relish with which suddenly famous scientists and omnipotent moral busybodies went about tormenting the populace for its own good. The climate scare is more of the same, playing out over a much longer time frame

    Mar 14 2023

    7 mins