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Brian Roberts

Brian Roberts

The Latest From Brian Roberts

  • Indigenous Identity and Inclusion

    A new book makes the plea that Aborigines be allowed "to be who we are" -- an intriguing theme that, alas, the author fails to explore. If he means that Indigenous Australians want to run their own show, the similarly un-examined corollary is that conduct and culture must not be at odds with the larger society

    Nov 13 2015

    4 mins

  • Indigenous Fundamentalism

    The modern world, especially its Western incarnation, often has been seen by those whose cultures it has disrupted as an assault on faith, tradition and identity. Islamist aggression is one manifestation of the reaction, a renewed reverence for the Rainbow Serpent another

    Oct 21 2015

    6 mins

  • 25 Ideas Well Worth Recognising

    Whatever the final wording, the proposal to acknowledge Aborigines and their culture in the Constitution will present but a single theme for endorsement or rejection. That's a pity because, with a a dash of reality on the ballot, some good might come of the exercise

    Jul 23 2015

    5 mins

  • A Debate Remote from Reason

    Critics lined up to wield the axe handle when the Prime Minister described residents of remote communities as making 'a lifestyle choice'. Sadly, much of the rhetoric was no less distant from reason than are bush settlements from hospitals, schools and the opportunities of the modern world

    Jun 06 2015

    9 mins

  • Lomborgophobia

    The much-damned Dane doesn't quibble with the contention that humans are raising global temperatures, just that the money spent in name of repairing the atmosphere might be better spent. That heresy has seen him banished from UWA -- and the university's claim to being a serious institution with it

    May 13 2015

    6 mins

  • How I Became a Racist White Bigot

    I observed in print that, if Indigenous scholars are to win respect for their work, they will need to produce more than anger-infused narratives of white oppression and personal suffering. Well that did it! Suddenly, I'm a vile specimen who needs to be booted from the James Cook campus

    Apr 14 2015

    15 mins

  • Indigenous Rights, Indigenous Obligation

    It is all very well to sermonise about Aborigines and the inherent right to celebrate their heritage. But without a related emphasis on responsibility such talk amounts to nothing more than platitudes for papering-over the need to examine traditional mores mesh that do not mesh with the modern world

    Oct 29 2014

    29 mins

  • In Defence of Noel Pearson

    The PM's adviser on Indigenous reform has a sharp tongue and quick temper, but what his critics dislike most is his recognition that a traditionalist mindset hobbles both initiative and hope. To those who value and promote group identity above all else, that sentiment, rather than his language, is the proverbial red rag

    Aug 18 2014

    17 mins

  • The State of a Nation: Aboriginalia, 2050

    Half the 21st century has gone and with it the dreams of a separatist movement which won its independence from the country formerly known as Australia. The rationale was a fervent and fashionable belief that Indigenous ills were all the white man's doing. Reality remained unpersuaded

    Jul 06 2014

    21 mins