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Bob Carter

Bob Carter

The Latest From Bob Carter

  • Closing out dissent

    Bob Carter’s essay is a challenge to both the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition to ensure that all voices are heard in a true debate over the science of climate change before decisions are taken which, if they are wrong, will destroy generations of Australian lives.

    Aug 01 2010

    19 mins

  • Report from Heartland-4

    It is surprising that the Australian media exhibited no interest in a major international conference at which copious evidence was provided that global warming is no longer a threat (if ever it was), and that global cooling may well be underway. Robyn Williams, Tony Jones and the Kerry O’Brien team, where were you?

    May 23 2010

    8 mins

  • Why Barry Jones is wrong

    In so far as bias can be detected in press coverage of global warming it operates in favour of the alarmist message, which is, of course, no surprise to those familiar with the ways of the media.

    Dec 21 2009

    20 mins

  • Scam of the century

    The Climategate files have demonstrated the scientific malfeasance of an influential and internationally well networked segment of the climate research community.

    Dec 14 2009

    11 mins

  • The science of deceit

    Though no scientist doubts that humans influence climate at local level - causing both warmings and coolings - no definitive evidence has yet been discovered that a human influence is measurable, let alone dangerous, at global level.

    Oct 26 2009

    8 mins

  • The way ahead

    All Australian politicians have now for some years lived in terror of a global-warming-brainwashed electorate, and of the strong Green intimidation that continues to be exercised against all voters. 

    Oct 19 2009

    7 mins

  • Not Evil Just Wrong reviewed

    The film is not so much about the science of climate change as it is about explaining the sociology and politics of what is now perhaps the world’s greatest-ever scare campaign.

    Oct 12 2009

    13 mins

  • Dear Malcolm

    A proper hazard reduction and adaptation policy to deal with known future climatic threats is a very different matter to the political question implicit in today’s headlines.

    Oct 02 2009

    3 mins

  • Media ecoevangelists

    By what authority does the ABC allow ecoevangelists to grandstand their relentless and extreme views at public expense – effectively providing their organisations with continuous free advertising at the taxpayers’ expense?

    Sep 27 2009

    10 mins