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Bob Carter

Bob Carter

The Latest From Bob Carter

  • Carbon dioxide tax – the People’s Revolt – I

    Tony Abbott has rightly called for a People’s Revolt against this ridiculous attempt to compulsorily reduce the living standards of all Australians with especial impact on the poorer ones. The good news for the leader of the opposition is that that revolt has already started, and is growing by the day.

    Feb 24 2011

    2 mins

  • Disasters happen

    Despite strident claims by global warming pressure groups, no scientific evidence exists that human carbon dioxide emissions have anything to do with our current climatic woes.

    Feb 13 2011

    4 mins

  • Combet’s hot air tax

    No matter how hard Mr. Combet tries to spin it as beneficial, the Labor government will introduce a carbon dioxide tax at their considerable electoral peril. For where global warming alarmism is concerned, the good news is that the bullshit detectors of the Australian electorate are both alive and activated. 

    Jan 03 2011

    7 mins

  • Christmas Books: Bob Carter

    I’m still reading real books, among which the latest tranche of Clive James’ autobiography, The Blaze of Obscurity, stands out for its readability.

    Dec 11 2010

    2 mins

  • Science is about testing hypotheses

    If losing the debate means that the United Kingdom adopts a sensible policy of adaptation to climate change, Canada rejects emissions limitation legislation, Japan rejects absolutely any continuation of Kyoto-style international action, and the Cancun meeting ends in disarray, then I for one shall be quite happy to keep right on blathering.

    Dec 06 2010

    7 mins

  • Gillard’s climate U-turn

    Despite the IPCC’s overstatement in 2007, no measurable, empirical evidence for global warming is yet known that requires a human influence to explain it, and that despite the expenditure of many tens of billions of dollars seeking just such evidence.

    Nov 23 2010

    7 mins

  • Bush burial

    The victimisation of Peter Spencer, Maxwell Szulc, and Matt and Janet Thompson, and that of many other country persons, is a national outrage - and all the more so because it is being pursued with the force of intimidatory law.

    Oct 28 2010

    19 mins

  • Combet and climate change

    New Minister for Climate Change, Greg Combet, has started his term by calling for the application of commonsense to the debate over global warming policy. Even more important is the application of some independent scientific analysis to the alarmist advice rendered by the UN’s now discredited Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

    Sep 16 2010

    5 mins

  • Politicians miss the point

    Stimulated by the announcement of Labor’s “new” climate policy by Prime Minister Gillard, Australian voters were once more subjected to a parade of self-anointed, global-warming-is-dangerous public figures whose innocence of knowledge of the science of climate change is exceeded only by their sense of moral superiority.

    Aug 08 2010

    7 mins