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Bob Carter

Bob Carter

The Latest From Bob Carter

  • Malcolm Turnbull’s climate politics

    One might as well stand under the shower and tear up billion dollar notes for all the effect that cutting Australian carbon dioxide emissions will have on future climate.

    Jul 25 2011

    10 mins

  • Climate policy crisis

    Why should we be paying climate obeisance to an unelected, unaccountable (to Australian citizens) branch of the UN? Are our own scientists inadequate? Or is it just that we are simply not grown up enough to manage on our own what is admittedly a highly controversial subject?

    Jun 12 2011

    5 mins

  • A Dozen Global Warming Slogans

    For many years now, our media outlets have been awash […]

    May 01 2011

    13 mins

  • Global warming: an essential reference

    To encourage wider discussion of the issue of global warming, we provide a list of articles and papers that address the key issues of the adequacy of the government’s understanding of climate science, and whether theoretical human-caused global warming is a dangerous hazard.

    Apr 25 2011

    4 mins

  • Government ignorance

    It is common knowledge that Ministerial advisers maintain a library of stock-reply letters to use when their Minister receives a complaint or enquiry along predictable lines. Consider one such letter from Greg Combet.

    Apr 10 2011

    1 mins

  • Climate Commission shirks debate

    Australia’s Climate Commissioners are simply peddling long discredited arguments about global warming that have been made for 15 years by the IPCC, all of which are carefully crafted to demonize human CO2 emissions. Most of these arguments carry a political overtone, and most are espoused also by Australia’s current government.

    Mar 27 2011

    11 mins

  • Global warming: 10 little facts

    It is a blight on Australian society that an incumbent government, and the great majority of media reporters and commentators, continue to propagate these scientific and social inanities.

    Mar 14 2011

    6 mins

  • Helmut Schmidt calls for IPCC inquiry

    Helmut Schmidt, the respected former Chancellor of Germany, has told an audience at the Max-Plank-Gesellschaft that a full inquiry needs to be held into the credibility of advice on global warming that stems from the UN’s IPCC.

    Mar 07 2011

    3 mins

  • Shhsshh … don’t talk about the science

    A broken election promise of some magnitude and a stupid policy provoked an immediate blizzard of public criticism and resistance. Yet, after almost 4 days of saturation press coverage, not a single mainstream media commentator appears to have discussed the real issue at hand.

    Feb 28 2011

    8 mins