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Bill Martin

Bill Martin

The Latest From Bill Martin

  • Queering Society

    Few would wish a return to those closeted days when policeman entrapped homosexuals in public lavatories and being actively gay was a crime. So why, with so much gained and attitudes transformed, do activists insist on making themselves so shrilly and insistently unpleasant?

    Jul 22 2017

    8 mins

  • The Love Song of a Grateful ‘Wog’

    I came to this wonderful country from Hungary, fleeing my homeland one jump ahead of the Russians. Cricket, inedible bread, the bizarre 'football' codes -- they were the negatives but didn't amount to much cause for complaint. Australia, though, how much do I love you?

    Jun 20 2017

    7 mins

  • Pacifying the Religion of Peace™

    Our political, civic and even religious leaders are stubbornly unwilling to grasp and accept Islam's true nature, its ambitions and what those things mean in the context of Australia's future. Silence, as they say, gives consent. The need now is to get loud and stay loud

    Jun 08 2017

    10 mins

  • A Tinkerer’s Cuss on Our Disposable Age

    Before recycling became a sign of environmental virtue, not to mention a local bylaw whose defiance can incur a hefty fine, it was a necessity. There is comfort in old and familiar things, just as there is a unique satisfaction to be drawn from the application of the handyman's skills

    Apr 02 2017

    5 mins

  • Recognising Some Difficult Questions

    If Aborigines are to be written into the Constitution, what is that must be added? More than that, will a few sentences of feel-good boilerplate make the slightest difference in remedying the dysfunction and abuse that marks so many Indigenous communities?

    Sep 23 2016

    3 mins

  • Free Speech Is The Only Remedy

    If you have entered a major sports stadium recently it will have been only after a bag search and, possibly, a body scan at the turnstiles -- one example of the way in which the freedoms and safety we once took for granted are being inhibited. The only response is to speak frankly about the reason why

    Aug 03 2016

    4 mins

  • The Myth of Secular Islam

    This week, five Muslim firebrands refused to stand for the magistrate before whom they appeared, as did their supporters in the body of the court. The defendants understand that their creed submits to no authority but Allah -- a fundamental principle lost on all too many in the politically correct West

    May 20 2016

    5 mins

  • The Day the Russians Came

    I was not yet six years old when the Russians […]

    Jun 01 2015

    6 mins