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Bill Dawes

Bill Dawes

The Latest From Bill Dawes

  • George Pell’s Invitation to Share His Cell

    George Pell's 'Prison Journal' puts pay to the years of media depictions of the Cardinal as a beast with ice in his veins and a steel pump for a heart. If there is a blessing in even the worst and most shameful episodes, his unjust incarceration provided an opportunity to produce this warm, often funny and always insightful account of a good man's faith in the face of adversity

    Mar 18 2021

    13 mins

  • Accusations from the Realm of Madness

    One of the themes that recurs in the reporting of the accusations against Christian Porter is the trope that a brilliant girl’s future was ruined by a foul beast who drove her to suicide. Would it have been so difficult for the reporters parroting that line to do a little background research on the symptoms so often manifested by the mentally ill? Apparently so

    Mar 10 2021

    7 mins

  • Sattlerism 101

    Calling all journalism professors. As you are not teaching balance, fairness, grammar, logic and impartial reporting these days, there should be plenty of time to ponder who is, and is not, a fit candidate for impertinent questions

    Jun 17 2013

    4 mins

  • The apes of wrath

    An 13-year-old barracker, unversed in the nuances of racial abuse, calls Swans star Adam Goodes an "ape", very nearly precipitates a nervous breakdown, and prompts a spate of lectures about "casual racism". In case you didn't know, that means bigotry from people who aren't bigots

    Jun 12 2013

    9 mins