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Barry Spurr

Literary Editor

Barry Spurr

Literary Editor

The Latest From Barry Spurr

  • Vale Gerald O’Collins 1931-2024

    The Society of Jesus mourns the death of Father Gerald (“Gerry”) O’Collins SJ AC. Fr O’Collins died in Melbourne on Thursday 22 August at the age of 93. He had been a Jesuit for 74 years and a priest for 61 years.

    Aug 31 2024

    3 mins

  • ‘Auteur Theory’ for the Sub-Literate

    Altogether, auteur theory sounds fascinating and, no doubt, develops excellent skills of analysis for students of film, as they dissect and discuss this or that auteur director’s body of work. But what is it doing in an English course, in high school, in Year 10?

    Aug 29 2024

    14 mins

  • The Betrayal of the Intellectuals

    It is a strange irony that politicians and policy-makers of Labor orientation should think it necessary for working people who do not possess a university degree to have one as some kind of validation of their worth. Would I hold my electrician in higher regard if he had a degree? Would he have a higher regard of himself? The ideas are preposterous

    Jun 24 2024

    13 mins

  • The Poetry of Contemplation

    The early seventeenth century was English poetry's golden age for the poetry of meditation, a more specialised and concentrated process than contemplation. Meditation seeks unity with the Godhead, and it is this particular genre which has given us some of the greatest poems in the language.

    May 02 2024

    13 mins

  • Australian Poetry Today

    The Philistines remain with us as a permanent fixture of our culture and have always been a conspicuous element in society. For this reason, and bearing in mind the extraordinary and lamentable meltdown of our education systems, it is against considerable odds that poetry-writing continues to flourish in Australia.

    Apr 07 2024

    17 mins

  • A Canberra Childhood in the 1950s

    Canberra in those far-off days was regarded as a joke by the rest of Australia. The essence of this ridicule was the notion of a 'Bush Capital' making even less impression on the visitor than such neighbouring country towns as Goulburn. compared to the great coastal cities, whence most of Canberra’s population was embarrassingly unimpressive

    Jan 02 2024

    18 mins

  • What is Literature? Can it be Recovered?

    What should alarm anybody retaining a grain of respect for the life of the mind is what little remains of genuine education in our schools and universities. This particularly applies in the teaching and nurturing of an appreciation for literature's benefit to civilisation at large. If 'the common pursuit of true judgement', as T.S. Eliot put it, is to survive, where and how?

    Nov 01 2023

    12 mins

  • The Death of Satire: Remembering Barry Humphries

    A personal anecdote, to begin. In a letter to the […]

    May 29 2023

    13 mins