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Babette Francis

Babette Francis

The Latest From Babette Francis

  • China Reaps the Seed it Didn’t Sow

    The serious demographic distortions afflicting China as a result of its one-child policy -- more men than women, penurious widows, young female professionals declining to marry -- are perhaps a greater threat than any other to Beijing's ambitions. That's what happens when a nation abandons culture and creed

    Jun 24 2019

    3 mins

  • Why Are We Sending Aid to Pakistan?

    Islamic intolerance and institutionalised persecution have slashed the non-Muslim population to less than four per cent. Rape, murder, bombings, trumped-up prosecutions and hate-spewing judges -- this is what confronts Christians and others, yet Australia's foreign aid continues to flow

    Feb 13 2018

    8 mins

  • Polly Want a Sex-Change?

    And why not! A mere switch of gender is as nothing when judged against the man who has had himself surgically modified in order to 'identify' as a human parrot. With governments, fashionable academia and schools on side, it's all the rage

    Nov 01 2017

    6 mins

  • Multicultural Mythology

    When a Senate committee sought perspectives on the future of multiculturalism I shared the thought that, given some of the odious and appalling customs and beliefs made immune to criticism by official policy, it shouldn't have a future. Here is what our elected representatives refused to accept

    Jun 15 2017

    7 mins

  • My Odd-Given Right to be Mrs Thatcher

    Bruce Jenner declared himself to be Caitlin and did very nicely in the switch, hailed for "bravery" and dress sense alike while showered with attention and speaker's fees. Forgive me, but that is so unfair! Why will no one accept and endorse my desire to be acknowledged as a deceased British PM?

    Mar 10 2017

    7 mins

  • Panic in the Left’s Giggle Factory

    He isn't making with the gags himself, but Donald Trump is boosting global merriment by inspiring his critics to make monumental jokes of themselves. They simper, they sob, they pack suitcases and, most of all, they sneer non-stop at voters deemed so less intelligent than their precious selves

    Nov 19 2016

    5 mins

  • Bishop’s Bow to the Mullahs

    If our Foreign Minister had a mind to do something of genuine value for her oppressed sisters, she might consider re-visiting Tehran on a bicycle while wearing leggings and a coat with writing on the back -- 'offences' that could see an Iranian woman punished, even executed

    Nov 03 2016

    8 mins

  • Islam and birth control

    Babette Francis writes: While I share Michael Galak’s concern about […]

    Oct 29 2013

    2 mins

  • The lost chords of Indigenous learning

    Many Aboriginal children, especially those in remote communities, are denied full access to the heritage and culture of the West. Any effort to identify the roots of later dysfunction needs to begin with infancy -- and earlier

    Oct 08 2013

    6 mins