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B.J. Coman

B.J. Coman

The Latest From B.J. Coman

  • Smelling a Rat

    As a young biologist, I began my career studying a […]

    Apr 01 2015

    11 mins

  • Birdlore

    Wordsworth was right. Despite all sorts of recent proclamations about “ecologically sustainable development”, “maintenance of biodiversity”, “clean and green”, we have isolated ourselves from the natural world -- to its detriment and ours


    Like the ancient Greeks, we formerly felt that birds had something to tell us. I suspect that, until we get back to such an understanding, none of the mechanist scientific solutions to restore environments and the like will achieve very much at all

    Mar 29 2015

    20 mins

  • Status, Value and the University

    There is, in human affairs, a great battle of ideas, and a major role of the university is to “adjudicate” this debate. That, at any rate, is how the matter was seen in the West for something like two millennia. Alas, we can expect little these days from institutions debased by avarice, ego and nonsense degrees

    Mar 08 2015

    14 mins

  • Of Bunyips and Boulia Lights

    Do not be fooled that belief in fanciful creatures is a thing of the past. Indeed, it flourishes as never before.  As the ability of modern science to ‘explain’ the natural world increases, so does our need for the inexplicable

    Feb 07 2015

    12 mins

  • Those Other Asylum Seekers

    Let me advance the modest proposal that, if we extrapolate medical advances in the manner of IPCC scientists,  death will very soon be a matter of personal preference -- as it should be in a modern and enlightened society. Therefore, having children, those little freeloaders, demands a nuanced perspective

    Feb 01 2015

    10 mins

  • Raze God and Parse the Admonition

    Physicists happily indulge speculation that our universe is a chimera emanating from some pimply youngster's computer program: it 'thinks', therefore we are. But describe that adolescent tinkerer as The Creator and  secularist enforcers of scientism erupt in a riot of rejection and reproach

    Jan 23 2015

    11 mins

  • The Enigmatic Dr Johnson

    Samuel Johnson stands today as one of the most commonly […]

    Jan 01 2015

    28 mins

  • Reidy’s Harvest

    The sermon for that Sunday took the Gospel account of […]

    Sep 01 2014

    7 mins

  • The New War of the Roses

    What might be called the latest eruption of "the Darwin Wars" are a subset of a broader conflict. Funding and status are at stake. These days, unless you can demonstrate what you are doing is “scientific”, your likelihood of attracting support is very low

    Jun 16 2014

    20 mins