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Aynsley Kellow

Aynsley Kellow

The Latest From Aynsley Kellow

  • Endangered Science

    There are many possible examples, but let me cite the recent and, for the Adani mine's opponents, the convenient use of black-throated finches to further stall development. The suggestion by lawfare's urgers and advocates that an entire species was at risk is a case of 'noble cause corruption' from beak to tail feathers

    Jul 01 2019

    7 mins

  • Labor’s Plan for an Impoverished Energy Future

    At low levels of penetration, renewables can be a useful addition to a modern electricity system, but never with the 50 per cent quota Bill Shorten has been assuring the electorate is not only doable but cheaper as well. Substitute hard figures and real world considerations for his green nostrums and what you see is a disaster in the making

    May 14 2019

    16 mins

  • How Labor will Generate an Impoverished Energy Future

    The Australian Labor Party intends taking to the federal election […]

    Apr 29 2019

    15 mins

  • Why the Future is Not Solar

    The point is not that solar should not be considered, but that it should be considered, warts and all, alongside coal, nuclear and hydro with all their drawbacks. Too often, renewables' drawbacks and deficiencies are glossed over, not the least of these being that are unlikely ever to meet global energy needs

    Jul 05 2018

    29 mins