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Augusto Zimmermann

Augusto Zimmermann

The Latest From Augusto Zimmermann

  • Christian Porter’s Famous Victory

    That the demoted attorney-general would claim a triumph in the resolution of his libel action against the ABC is understandable. His political career has been, if not wrecked, certainly shunted into a siding, there is to be no vindication nor reversal of calumnies, and his ABC tormenters remain defiantly and loudly unchastened

    Jun 02 2021

    6 mins

  • The Enduring Ideas of a Visionary

    Gabriël A. Moens AM is Emeritus Professor of Law at […]

    Apr 29 2021

    17 mins

  • The March for Injustice

    One would like to think our politicians are keen to combat all forms of domestic violence, regardless of gender, age and ethnicity. However, in focusing only on women they are themselves guilty of unthinking sexism by endorsing the feminist false narrative that men are always the aggressors and women their inevitable victims

    Mar 20 2021

    11 mins

  • How the High Court Redefined ‘Absolutely’

    In bowing to WA Premier Mark McGowan's wish that the Commonwealth withdraw from Clive Palmer's bid to reopen the state's borders, the PM stands condemned for an appalling dereliction of duty to uphold the Constitution. That left the High Court to ignore history and the clear meaning of words in a decision that would have sickened the Founding Fathers

    Mar 04 2021

    12 mins

  • Faith and Modern Australia

    Peter Kurti is Director of the Culture, Prosperity and Civil […]

    Feb 25 2021

    12 mins

  • The Real Agenda Behind Aboriginal Recognition

    Constitutional recognition would create different rules for different races, which would benefit a well-placed few while denying many Aborigines access to their full potential. It is a tragic irony that the paternalism of the past, which today's elites decry, would be imposed by template on the least fortunate, least educated and most isolated

    Feb 20 2021

    18 mins

  • When Judges Get It Wrong: The Case of John Fleming

    The judicial errors that have foiled a good man's quest to clear his name are many and significant, and the failure to address them has broader and continuing implications for the fairness of Australia’s justice system. In the light of new evidence and the overturning of guilty verdicts against George Pell, these miscarriages urgently need to be examined

    Jan 03 2021

    23 mins

  • The Unique Discrimination White Men Face

    To maintain white men are more favoured than any other racial/gender group is to ignore that they are much less likely to receive the protection of the law, more inclined to take their own lives and, generally, much less socially successful than almost any other ethnic-social group

    Nov 17 2020

    16 mins

  • First They Came for Victorians

    The sad reality is that Victorians have been miserably betrayed by their federal and state governments in many ways and on many levels. Premier Andrews is a leader of authoritarian inclinations and, to its shame, the Morrison government has tacitly consented to the deplorable oppression being visited 24/7 on that unfortunate state's population

    Sep 25 2020

    6 mins