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Augusto Zimmermann

Augusto Zimmermann

The Latest From Augusto Zimmermann

  • Lessons from the Totalitarian Past

    It is increasingly clear the principle of legality is no longer regarded as important by some elements of the judicial elite, at least insofar as governments can allege the 'emergencies' they declare justify the enactment of measures that profoundly affect our fundamental rights and freedoms. There is an unsettling precedent for the law's endorsement of the unacceptable

    Dec 04 2021

    34 mins

  • It’s Official: Dissident Academics Are Fair Game

    Speaking as an academic, the news that the High Court had ruled against Peter Ridd was a chilling moment. The suppression of free speech has become a very real thing in many of our universities, with the silencing of minority opinion quite systematic. James Cook University's legal victory has made open and honest debate a dangerous undertaking

    Oct 15 2021

    8 mins

  • A Timely Reminder of Liberty’s Roots

    That our individual rights will be protected while the values that gave birth to the concept of constitutional government are being deliberately abandoned is a dangerous assumption indeed. It is also a good reason to value Zachary Gorman's fine new book, 'Summoning Magna Carta: Freedom's Symbol Over a Millennium'

    Oct 06 2021

    11 mins

  • Emergency Powers and the Rule of Law

    Despite their self-proclaimed success in the 'war' on COVID-19, Australia's premiers give no indication they are willing to terminate their emergency powers or decrease the use of health directives. Instead, the political establishment has capitalised on public fear and the complicity of a docile, unquestioning press to pursue the gradual consolidation of unchecked rule

    Sep 18 2021

    17 mins

  • The Simple, Sacred and Inviolate Right to Protest

    The NSW Premier makes no bones that lockdowns and restrictions are 'the new way of life' in Australia. In Western Australia, the new way of life means police can fit you with electronic ankle bracelets for monitoring non-compliance with public health edicts. Increasingly, the COVID epidemic is about government power and control

    Aug 01 2021

    15 mins

  • Constitutionally Inoculated to Resist Coercion

    Those advocating obligatory vaccination and 'COVID passports', without which refuseniks would be denied work, travel, even admission to restaurants and sports stadia, are displaying their ignorance of sections 51 and 52 of the Constitution. Simply put, no federal or state government can impose compulsory vaccination or sanction those who decline

    Jul 24 2021

    5 mins

  • Premier McGowan, Beijing’s Very Best China Plate

    Victoria's Premier Daniel Andrews signed up with Beijing's Belt& Road, but much as his admiration for Beijing knows few bounds, his support for China has been mute in comparison with his Western Australian counterpart's advocacy on behalf of the Middle Kingdom

    Jul 02 2021

    10 mins

  • What Constitutional Recognition Would Mean

    The Constitution treats everyone equally, regardless of when their ancestors arrived. So why the clamour for indigenous recognition when it is clearly not a racist document? Why is it claimed to be necessary to amend the Constitution when every jurisdiction in this country has already legislated for racial non-discrimination?

    Jun 24 2021

    15 mins

  • The Andrews Government’s Chief Enabler

    Incompetence, vainglorious arrogance, lies, blind eyes on the bench and an aggressively politicised police force have all helped make Victoria an even more miserable spectacle in this age of COVID. That the Andrews government continues drowning the state in the cesspit of its own corruption is to be expected. But why is the Prime Minister defending and underwriting the race to ruin?

    Jun 09 2021

    12 mins