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Augusto Zimmermann

Augusto Zimmermann

The Latest From Augusto Zimmermann

  • Exorcising the Ghost of Juan Perón

    Argentina's new president, Javier Milei, is the perfect person to lead an economic and cultural rebirth. 'Argentina will return to the place in the world which it should never have lost,' he has pledged., naming the statist status quo as his country's enemy in chief. The next four years will demonstrate if the libertarian firebrand is as good as his word

    Dec 02 2023

    20 mins

  • The Westminster System: In Need of an Overhaul

    The weakness with which the doctrine of separation of powers is applied in Australia has the practical effect of substantially removing any obstacle to the legislative growth of the executive government. Fairly described as an ‘elective dictatorship’, it is therefore no wonder so many of our basic rights can be ignored and violated. If you think that is an acadamic abstraction, two words: Covid lockdowns

    Nov 10 2023

    24 mins

  • Constitutional Monarchy or Elective Dictatorship?

    Since there is no legal-institutional mechanism for holding the UK's parliamentary government to account, the effect is that it is accountable to no one, except every five years at general elections. The consequences have now been demonstrated by three years of the COVID hysteria's arbitrary edicts and arrests

    Mar 15 2023

    9 mins

  • How They Count Votes in Brazil

    E-voting machines with no paper records, openly partisan judges, critics jailed and their bank accounts seized -- that's what passes for 'democracy' in Brazil. None of those facts appear to trouble Australia's establishment media outlets, happy as they are regurgitate the received wisdom of favoured leftist sources,. And, inevitably, to make pretzels of logic in crying 'Trump! Trump! Trump!'

    Jan 10 2023

    30 mins

  • The Menace of Medical Censorship in Australia

    Queensland's Labor Government – with support from the LNP opposition – has passed the Health Practitioner Regulation Amendment Bill 2022. This fundamentally reshapes the relationship between doctors, patients and health regulators by granting bureaucrats the authority to endorse medical treatments and shame doctors who beg to differ

    Nov 18 2022

    21 mins

  • How and Why Vladimir Putin Survives

    Many Western pundits predicted the sweeping and unprecedented sanctions imposed after the Ukraine invasion would bring the Russian economy to its knees. That hasn't been case. Instead, the ruble has risen, unemployment is at record lows and, despite protests and dissent, Putin remains popular on the homefront. Meanwhile, the West sinks into recession

    Oct 08 2022

    12 mins

  • Judges versus People

    James Allan observes in his important new book that today’s constitutional orthodoxy rejects what is unkindly described as 'ancestor worship', the taking into account the intention of 'long-dead constitutional makers'. The preference these days, he writes with disdain, favours the beliefs, sentiments and favoured policies of a handful of top judges

    Sep 03 2022

    14 mins

  • Liberty Sinks Slowly in the West

    Evil is often perpetrated by governments under the guise of ‘safety’ and ‘public health’, as the Nazi years in Germany serve to remind those prepared to recognise history's lessons. True, no one is equating Premier Mark McGowan with Hitler, just their manipulations to keep the populace scared and its anger directed at officially designated villians. In WA's case, that is the rest of the country

    Jan 20 2022

    12 mins

  • The Moral Obligation of the ‘Lesser Magistrate’

    Sooner or later, Australian police will be reminded that 'just following orders' is no excuse for serving as instruments of State oppression. As governments indulge their COVID-era bent for control and punishment in advancing the chilling diktat that vaccination refuseniks have no the right to earn a living, it is incumbent on individual officers to cry 'Enough and no more!'

    Jan 07 2022

    10 mins