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Augusto Zimmermann & Gabriël Moens

Augusto Zimmermann & Gabriël Moens

The Latest From Augusto Zimmermann & Gabriël Moens

  • Australia’s Radical Experiment in Gender Theory

    The Justice’s legal analysis is superficially plausible but, nevertheless, the judgment is woefully woke. This is because the law, even if it were argued that the Court correctly applied the law, is incompatible with the biological fact that there are two sexes.

    Sep 01 2024

    14 mins

  • After Covid: Now it’s the Lawyers’ Turn

    The rules covering judicial bias are well known. When a judge has had prior dealings with one or more parties to proceedings, the obligation is to disclose all details and invite submissions on whether recusal is warranted. It is that requirement which is at the heart of the complaint against Justice Helen Rofe

    Jun 04 2024

    17 mins

  • No Jab. No Job. No Justice

    AFL commentator and ex-Power star Warren Tredrea has been informed by Justice Geoffrey Kennett that the Nine network was within its right to sack him for declining a Covid inoculation, and also for voicing his doubts about the vaccines' long-term safety. Seldom has a case cried so loudly for the High Court's intervention

    May 17 2024

    16 mins

  • The Authoritarian Assault on Free Speech

    Free speech is seriously threatened in Australia by Albanese & Co., the eSafety Commissioner and, sad to say, the Coalition. It behoves all who truly value democracy to oppose this spectacular power grab by those who aspire to expand their power and control over their fellow citizens

    May 04 2024

    14 mins

  • Entrenching Racism as a Human Right

    There are compelling reasons to believe that, once enacted, the sort of legislation being pushed by the Australian Human Rights would profoundly erode the rule of law by providing an unaccountable elite with a mechanism to undermine the democratic process. In other words, to force 'woke' biases and those of activist judges on a reluctant or simply disinterested majority

    Apr 17 2024

    11 mins

  • The Judicial Railroading of Father Fleming

    When South Australian police investigated Improbable accusations of sexual abuse involving male and female teens, including a menage-a-trois, detectives found no substance to the claims against Father John Fleming. Not that being cleared by the law helped, as a civil action and flawed rulings have branded him once and forever a monster

    Mar 26 2024

    7 mins

  • No Jab, No Job, No Basis in Law

    The good news is that Queensland's insistence police and ambulance workers be vaccinated against Covid-19 has been declared illegal. The bad news is that the ruling sees the problem not as one of efficacy and risk but of a failure to consider the recipients' human rights. Had that been done, and despite what the Australian Constitution says, the mass jabbing would have been fine

    Mar 01 2024

    16 mins

  • When and How a Nation’s Luck Runs Out

    Freedom of speech, thought, movement, religion and association are the pillars of any free society. They cannot be allowed to exist in name alone, but must be protected and strengthened, never suppressed or curtailed. This isn't the Australia being advanced by political, academic, corporate and sporting leaders and their institutions

    Jan 31 2024

    7 mins

  • The Harm Done Demands a COVID Post-Mortem

    Like rough terrain in a rear-view mirror, the bumps and jolts of the COVID years are fading from memory and public debate. There are new crises and threats, from inflation to the Left's vituperative abuse for Voice opponents, but to lose sight of what was done in the name of public health is to allow those in whom we placed our trust to get away with their lies and bullying. Justice demands at the very least a royal commission

    May 26 2023

    25 mins