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Augusto Zimmermann

Augusto Zimmermann

The Latest From Augusto Zimmermann

  • An Ignored Truth About Domestic Violence

    One would like to think governments are keen to combat all forms of domestic violence, regardless of gender, age and ethnicity. Unfortunately, men assaulted by wives and girlfriends are treated as 'second-class victims' if they are believed at all. Their plight will continue to be overlooked until feminists' stereotyping ceases to be the basis of policy

    Aug 19 2024

    20 mins

  • The Case for Constitutional Reform

    Australia is unlike the United States, where the Founders regarded the doctrine of separation of powers as one of the most important principles of constitutional government. As Sir Harry Gibbs properly reminded us more than 30 years ago, there is no real separation of powers in Australia. This a situation that needs to be rectified

    Jul 23 2024

    34 mins

  • Sympathy for the Devil

    Ukraine's supporters in the West describe Russia's invasion as 'unprovoked'. However, testifying before the EU Parliament, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg let slip that it it was no less than promised -- the fulfillment of Putin's explicit pledge that he would not tolerate Ukraine joining the alliance.

    Jun 22 2024

    21 mins

  • Wokeshevism: Where Putin is Right about the West

    He's a monster, murderer, tyrant and thug, but Russia's supreme gangster gets it right in identifying the hallmarks and symptoms of the West's decline. If in the early years of Putin’s rule merging with the West was a goal, now it is to define a separate path. Russia wants to be a civilisation in its own right

    Jun 13 2024

    8 mins

  • Here’s an Idea: Elect the Governor-General

    When the Constitution's framers set to work all agreed the legal-institutional framework of their new nation should be under the Crown. Without going anywhere near making Australia a republic, the lease on Yarralumla being handed to a hack careerist and Labor apparatchik suggests it is a moment to regret that Sir George Grey didn't get his way

    May 31 2024

    17 mins

  • Triggering Thoughts of Tyranny in WA

    Gun violence is almost non-existent among the licensed firearm owners, yet WA Police are diverting massive resources from violent crime to the bureaucratic micromanagement of farmers, target shooters, collectors and other licensed owners. With crime rising, the constabulary's first instinct has been to focus on those least likely to offend

    Apr 23 2024

    15 mins

  • Brazil vs Musk on the Front Lines of Free Speech

    If you think Australia's eSafety Commissioner is out of line in slapping fines and sanctions on X, formerly Twitter, look to President Lula da Silva's partisan judiciary for a guide to where state-endorsed censorship inevitably leads. As elected politicians are fined and even imprisoned by unelected judges, Big Tech has mostly tugged the forelock to such tyranny, Elon Musk being the brave exception

    Apr 09 2024

    13 mins

  • Here’s an Idea: Elect the Governor-General

    When the Constitution's framers set to work all agreed the legal-institutional framework of their new nation should be under the Crown. Without going anywhere near making Australia a republic, the lease on Yarralumla being handed to a hack careerist and Labor apparatchik suggests it is a moment to regret that Sir George Grey didn't get his way

    Apr 05 2024

    17 mins

  • The Myth of Beneficent Multiculturalism

    In his 2020 National Press Club address, then PM Scott Morrison spoke passionately about 'celebrating diversity' and 'the multicultural miracle of modern Australia'. Of course, in a certain way Morrison was entirely right: it is indeed a great miracle that Australia has so far survived the ongoing postmodern project to deconstruct the ties that bind a nation

    Feb 21 2024

    7 mins