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Anthony Dillon

Anthony Dillon

The Latest From Anthony Dillon

  • Indigenous Suicide and ‘Culture’

    Apart from calls for yet another royal commission, what sense can we draw from the appalling number of Aborigines who die by their hands? Again, we hear that a renewed celebration of heritage will make all the difference, yet suicide in remote communities is far more common

    Jul 27 2016

    7 mins

  • Secret Rhetoric Business

    Words can be troublesome things, as their accepted meanings might derail an advocate's invoking of emotion in lieu of the more relevant examination of unpalatable fact. No wonder so many discussions of Indigenous betterment come couched in the vocabulary of vacuity

    May 27 2016

    10 mins

  • The 27 Strings of Victimhood’s Puppets

    Promoting the meme that Aborigines are inevitable casualties of white injustice enshrines the victim/enemy mentality as a bogus but sacred truth. The ongoing tragedy is that this sadly palatable cliche diverts attention from the need to "just get on with it"

    Mar 07 2016

    10 mins

  • Hobbled by History, Immersed in Self-Pity

    The first and saddest reaction of far too many Indigenous activists and spokesmen is to see the past as a crushing burden, one that can only be lifted by profuse apologies and, the most recent demand, a re-written Constitution. It is an attitude no less destructive than delusional

    Jul 02 2015

    9 mins

  • The power of victimhood

    A perverse comfort and an enduring curse,  the argument that Indigenous Australians will be forever oppressed is a tragic and self-fulfilling prophecy, one that benefits only grievance mongers and their enablers

    May 29 2013

    12 mins

  • Choosing to Be Offended

    Our right to express opinions, question the motives of others, […]

    Mar 01 2013

    15 mins