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Anthony Dillon

Anthony Dillon

The Latest From Anthony Dillon

  • Aboriginal suicide, employment and excuse-making

    It is time to shrug off the rote cries of "Racist!" and ask rational questions about remote communities, about the lack of jobs and, most of all, to banish the patronising view that Aborigines are a species of bipedal fauna best left to the own strange ways. Want to see real racism? That's it in a nutshell

    Jan 29 2019

    4 mins

  • Selective Offence, It’s the Fashion

    When the purported comedian Trevor Noah made a vulgar and stupid joke about the sex appeal Aboriginal women, the grievance mongers went ballistic and their disciples bleated on cue. What a pity the energy of that outrage wasn't poured into protesting the rape of Tennant Creek toddlers

    Aug 03 2018

    7 mins

  • The Triumph of a Lethal Silence

    Aboriginal gatekeepers, those who advance and police the preferred narrative, are happy for problems like violence and child abuse in Aboriginal communities to be discussed -- but only if Aboriginal perpetrators are excused and the white man blamed

    Apr 12 2018

    5 mins

  • Death by Myth and Platitude

    Very few are brave enough to challenge the view that Aborigines are the only experts and authorities on Aboriginal affairs. This pablum allows purported leaders, academics and "spokespeople" to build empires while those whose interests they profess to represent endure lives unworthy of dogs

    Mar 15 2018

    6 mins

  • Black Lives Matter? Only Sometimes

    If you take the word of blacktivists bent on blaming any and all ills on white oppression and the ever-handy 'institutional racism', no member of an Indigenous community has a chance to get ahead. That stock standard response pointedly ignores the home-bred ills the BLM mob refuse to see

    Sep 22 2017

    11 mins

  • On Leaving the Past Behind

    We are never victims of the past, only ever victims of our view of the past. That is beyond obvious but nevertheless worth bearing in mind the next time blacktivists blame Captain Cook and Lachlan Macquarie for, well, all the many ills that bedevil some Aboriginal communities

    Aug 28 2017

    9 mins

  • Insults, Activism and Aborigines

    In many Aboriginal communities violence is commonplace and anti-social behaviour endemic. So who do blacktivists target while rattling the cup for donations to fight "racism"? Why, the police! Sure, such crusades garner plenty of Facebook "likes" but, in the meantime, more lives are ruined and wasted

    Jul 21 2017

    9 mins

  • Aboriginal algebra: BVB x BS = Zero

    It is just one man's opinion, but the abuse I have encountered from the Black Victim Brigade entitles me to right of reply. Yes, blacktivists are angry, very angry, but not about the issues they claim to be angry about. Rather, their fury is opportunistic hypocrisy of the first order

    Jun 23 2017

    6 mins

  • Nothing Disempowers Like a Gag

    The business of taking offence is a necessarily subjective affair, one person's insult being another's knee-slapping jest. Yet the survival of Section 18C in the Senate allows this contradictory principal to remain enshrined in law -- a handy tool for keeping censorious bureaucrats employed and liberties suppressed

    Apr 13 2017

    4 mins