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Andrew McIntyre

Andrew McIntyre

The Latest From Andrew McIntyre

  • Perilous Pontifications

    While St Peter's heir no doubt means well, his encyclical is a master class in the treachery of good intentions. As Ian Plimer writes in 'Heaven and Hell', the green crackpottery Pope Francis embraces and endorses can only hobble the creation of wealth and mire the Third World in perpetual poverty

    Nov 08 2015

    7 mins

  • In Denmark, a Bruising Multiculturalism

    The statistic is shocking: some 70% of Danish youths in detention are Muslim. As psychologist Nicolae Sennels (left) learned when he set out to discover why, the reasons have much to do with an insular community's disdain for what, other than welfare payments, a modern and liberal Western nation represents

    Aug 15 2014

    9 mins

  • For France, dhimmitude is not an option

    France has a perhaps undeserved reputation for raising the white flag, but the provocations, assaults and outrages of radical Muslims are drawing no such response. Quite the contrary, in fact

    Jul 23 2013

    5 mins

  • A letter from Corsica

    Steeped in history and well worth visiting, the rocky island of Corsica is a lovely spot, even allowing for organised crime, corruption, fire-bombings and the odd assassination

    Jul 03 2013

    5 mins

  • Hollande feels the heat

    Even President Francois Hollande recognises that France's labour laws and reirement provisions need drastic reform. Unfortunately, the country's labor unions also know a weak reed when they see one

    Jun 17 2013

    3 mins

  • ‘Oui’ to gay marriage, but a big ‘non’ for restraint

    After turning a colder shoulder to Brussels' plea for austerity, France's Francois Hollande marked his return to statesmanship with a lusty cheer as Vincent took Bruno up the aisle

    Jun 11 2013

    4 mins

  • In France, no surrender this time

    The France of popular imagination is a place where the introduction gay marriage would be accepted without protest. The massive and unexpected opposition demonstrates otherwise

    May 30 2013

    3 mins

  • The French disease

    Lovely and charming as ever, France continues to revel in the curious delusion that its citizens and their economy will remain immune to economic reality

    Aug 17 2012

    5 mins

  • Napoleon in Melbourne

    The new Napoleon exhibition at the National Gallery of Victoria, is an extremely impressive and exciting collection of 300 works, includes drawings, engravings, statues, furniture, textiles, clothing , porcelain, right down to stunning and opulent gold and silver Napoleonic “bling”.

    Jun 04 2012

    6 mins