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Alexander Voltz

Quadrant Music Editor

Alexander Voltz

Quadrant Music Editor

The Latest From Alexander Voltz

  • Towards Cultural Courage: Brett Dean’s Hamlet

    Fortunately, Opera Australia’s 'diversity and inclusion' statement 'celebrate[s] different perspectives' and will therefore accept my musings in the spirit intended

    Sep 01 2024

    19 mins

  • Artificial Musical Intelligence and the Composer

    How ironic it is, then, that at the same time as this regressive yet commercial paganism, artificial intelligence (AI) threatens to, as metamodernists Timotheus Vermeulen and Robin van den Akker might be heard to say, catapult humanity towards a “futureless” future.

    Jun 01 2024

    18 mins

  • The Growing Momentum of Anonymity

    Treble clefs have no interest in racism or sexism. But today, even The Rite of Spring, were it submitted for a grant or commission awarded by panelists kept deliberately nameless, could face rejection for appropriating the culture of ancient Russian pagans. It would amount to nothing more than grist for grievance-studies academics

    May 04 2024

    10 mins

  • Reviving Authenticity

    The new national cultural policy, Revive: A Place for Every Story, a Story for Every Place, seems to prioritise Australian arts infrastructure -- existing, large-scale national institutions and, of course, bureaucracies -- at the expense of independent artists and, even more so, of art itself

    Apr 04 2024

    15 mins

  • The Frontlines of Battle

    To quote Paul Keating, a man with whom I would not normally find common ground, 'The state of the arts in a country goes to the heart of what a nation is.' That Australia’s arts are so encumbered by questions of identity at the expense of quality and authenticity would suggest our nation is not at all in such a good way

    Mar 14 2024

    10 mins

  • Orana to Christmas Dystopia

    Could it be that legislation seeking to 'protect First Nations cultural expressions' is a further attempt to control Australia’s understanding of Aboriginal history and culture? Might I be up on charges for, say, composing music for a ballet on Aboriginal theme or Keith Windschuttle if activists take issue with his research? These questions must be asked and loudly, for the peril is real and quite likely imminent

    Mar 09 2024

    11 mins

  • Larry Sitsky at Ninety

    "I cannot help but feel an immense sorrow for someone of Sitsky’s years. Here is a man who tasted what could have been a golden age of culture in this country; that age never properly took shape, and since the 1990s it has declined into non-existence, vanishing from both sight and memory"

    Jan 14 2024

    10 mins

  • Mob Tix: Inclusion or Racism?

    Melbourne Symphony Orchestra’s administration, so financially embattled during the pandemic, stood down its musicians in 2020 to avoid bankruptcy. The same orchestra now offers discount tickets for Aboriginal patrons, plus those of Iroquois, Itza, Inuit and any other what-have-you descent. It is a tokenistic, infantilising and totally reprehensible gesture

    Nov 11 2023

    11 mins

  • Opera’s Ever-Troublous Times

    If Australian opera is to have a worthwhile future, craft, style and quality are essential. That artistic merit should be trumped by quotas and chromosomes is laid out in a recent paper, Risky Business: Policy Legacy and Gender Inequality in Australian Opera Production. Have the authors never heard of Simone Young, our greatest living conductor?

    Oct 29 2023

    11 mins