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Alan R.M. Jones

Alan R.M. Jones

The Latest From Alan R.M. Jones

  • Julia bowls up

      Super Bowl Lawn Bowl Spag Bol   Hyperbowl © […]

    Apr 07 2011

    0 mins

  • Media vs. Reality

    Photo essay: What happens versus what the media see.

    Mar 30 2011

    0 mins

  • Labor’s brand in extremis

    Gillard’s hasty marriage of convenience to Brown gave her a political stay of execution and Brown a dowry of green-left goodies including the Greens’ monster tax on everything forever, which eventually would make Treasurer Wayne Swan’s mining shakedown look like a video rental late fee hike.

    Mar 23 2011

    6 mins

  • Gillard does Marx

    Subscribe to Quadrant magazine here…

    Mar 21 2011

    0 mins

  • Broadband Babylon

    Julia Gillard’s Labor Government is set to make a blunder – to second-guess the market and spend tens of billions to back one technology, fixed-line broadband, over others in the midst of a rapidly changing business-technology environment for political reasons.

    Mar 16 2011

    5 mins

  • Postcards from Washington

    Quadrant Online EXCLUSIVE. Untouched, unedited, raw pics of Gillard & Co in the US.

    Mar 11 2011

    0 mins

  • Climate crank to carbon czar

    Only a few weeks ago most of the Canberra political establishment and the media looked on slack-jawed as Bob Brown bizarrely blamed Australia’s coal miners for the Queensland floods and demanded that they pay for it. It was colossally cynical and politically demented even for Brown.

    Mar 02 2011

    3 mins

  • Brotherhood of Cain

    Australia and its SE Asian friends should be concerned when the head of US intelligence thinks the Muslim Brotherhood is about charitable works and civic values.

    Feb 16 2011

    5 mins

  • Gillard’s Oprah tears

    As a culture, we’ve come to expect, particularly since the death of Princess Diana, our public leaders to grieve in a profuse, infantilising way, slowly turning the culture into a population of Bambi-eyed grief junkies.

    Feb 10 2011

    5 mins