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Alan R.M. Jones

Alan R.M. Jones

The Latest From Alan R.M. Jones

  • Obama goes missing in action

    Believe his admirers and Obama is “the smartest president ever” – so smart he skipped his intelligence briefings in the days leading up to the current of embassy attacks. That's a worry

    Sep 17 2012

    5 mins

  • Numbers stump Swan yet again

    The Treasurer likes to crow about creating almost 800,000 new jobs. Not so, even by his own favoured yardstick

    Sep 11 2012

    3 mins

  • Our PM, a congenital lawyer

    There were more than a few curiosities about Julia Gillard’s marathon attempt to put the AWU scandal to rest, not least that memory failed her when mere obfuscation was not enough

    Aug 26 2012

    41 mins

  • Bob in space

    Documentary evidence. Bob Brown calls home.

    Apr 02 2012

    0 mins

  • Eurodämmerung

    According to José Manuel Barroso, it’s Götterdämmerung all over again. A Eurozone meltdown will send the continent into a 1930s depression, with all the historical imputations of rampant nationalism run amok.

    Nov 24 2011

    4 mins

  • Drachma Dramazone

    There is not a little indecent irony in a debt-addicted Labor government, propelled there by panicked, wasteful spending and ideological predisposition itself attempting to strike the pose of fiscal rectitude and beneficence against European and Hellenic fiscal dysfunction.

    Nov 08 2011

    4 mins

  • Swan gong when wrong

    What do Lehman Brothers and the Treasurer Wayne Swan have in common? Both of them have won a magazine award for financial management and neither saw the GFC coming. 

    Sep 22 2011

    9 mins

  • Scandal du jour

    Pollietoons on the Franco-US scandal.

    May 19 2011

    0 mins

  • The Situation Room

    QED EXCLUSIVE Leaked photograph from the Obama Situation Room in the White House at the moment SEALs were terminating OBL.

    May 06 2011

    0 mins