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Alan Moran

Alan Moran

The Latest From Alan Moran

  • Australia’s Wealth of Complacency

    Attempt to determine Australia's rank in terms of global prosperity and the result will vary, often dramatically, according to the selected yardsticks. Whatever standard is used, however, and no matter where a particular appraisal places us, one rather chilling fact remains: unlike the urge to regulate, there is no appetite in Canberra for reform

    Oct 18 2019

    3 mins

  • When Even Bob Brown Gets It …

    The former Greens leader has seen the light and come out against a new Tasmanian wind farm. If he can see the folly of the immensely expensive and massively unreliable symbols of the renewables rort, surely policymakers can appreciate it too? Alas, that isn't anywhere near happening

    Jul 19 2019

    4 mins

  • The Rx for Vigorous Economic Growth

    The latest numbers from the Productivity Commission paint anything but an encouraging vista. If we wish to see higher living standards, an assault on regulatory measures and the winding back of government as a share of GDP is the prescription

    Jun 07 2019

    4 mins

  • Dog Dirt is No Substitute for Debate

    The PM is egged, a former one has faeces delivered to his office and, always and anywhere conservatives gather, there are threats, organised mobs and intimidation. It is with this increasingly toxic environment as a backdrop that Australians are casting their votes. We need to mull those ballots very carefully or what comes next could be far, far worse

    May 08 2019

    6 mins

  • The Huge Cost of Climate Hysteria

    Measures against greenhouse gases have had a trivial effect and it is not difficult to grasp why. The developed world accounts for only 30 per cent of emissions, a figure which drops to a mere 15 per cent if the US is excluded. Yet the insanity escalates, green rent-seekers grow richer and politicians who know better opt to bite their tongues

    Apr 24 2019

    5 mins

  • The Green Robe of Climate Justice

    Being open-minded and impartial, as his tenure as a judge requires, we can take for granted that Mr Justice Preston read more broadly than the warmist epistles of alarmists and climate careerists cited in his judgment against the Rocky Hill coal mine. Alas, the views of less excitable climate scientists failed to get a mention

    Feb 11 2019

    4 mins

  • The Liberals’ Downhill Racers

    Last week, NSW's Photios-aligned Arts Minister Don Harwin appointed Tim Flannery to the board of the Australian Museum. Days later, Olympics skier Zali Steggall announced the climate careerist would be aiding her independent bid to oust Tony Abbott from Warringah, a campaign that has already seen ex-Turnbull staffer Alice Thompson join the race. With friends like this, just what sort of a party have the Liberals become?

    Jan 27 2019

    4 mins

  • Australia, the Plodding Underperformer

    Australia sits on the world's most valuable natural resources, yet those immense blessings aren't matched by income levels -- a failure which must be seen as an indictment of successive governments' stewardship. More worrying, the pressures and follies that have inflicted below-par economic development are growing more pronounced

    Jan 08 2019

    7 mins

  • The ‘Broad Church’ and its Termites

    No sooner did Wentworth fall than the green-left of the Liberal congregation demanded yet further sacrifices of other people's money and hardship be laid before the altar of global warming. If the party of Menzies has been white-anted to this extent, might it not be time to burn the whole thing down?

    Oct 22 2018

    5 mins