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Alan Moran

Alan Moran

The Latest From Alan Moran

  • The Lockdown Strategy Called to Account

    'You can't put a dollar value of human life' is the standard retort of those who regard the lockdown's ruination of the economy as necessary and worthwhile. Actually, you can estimate the countermeasures' cost, however heartless that might seem to some, and the bottom line is written in the red ink of a monumental overreaction

    May 07 2020

    4 mins

  • Green Snouts Sniff a COVID Windfall

    The Main Streets of Australia have been transformed into ghost towns by the WuFlu panic-demic as queues of the newly jobless besiege Centrelink, but we can now understand why renewable energy spruikers wear their hearts on their sleeves: it leaves their hands free to draft demands for subsidies and pick the taxpayers' pockets

    Apr 16 2020

    3 mins

  • Emergency Measures in Need of an Exit Strategy

    If our most senior advisers cannot comprehend the interconnectedness that characterises the economy, we are doomed to be saddled with conditions that will mean a permanent reduction in supply capacity, hence our income levels

    Mar 25 2020

    4 mins

  • How to Make Things a Whole Lot Worse

    Without mincing words, the world is poised on the brink of a very deep depression. There is no shortage of consumer demand but the basis of that demand, income from the supply of goods and services, has been or soon will be sharply curtailed. Beyond the Wuhan virus itself, the peril is ill-advised government action hobbling the economy's ability to adjust and rejuvenate

    Mar 17 2020

    4 mins

  • One Word: ‘Klobuchar’

    Bid farewell to the addled Joe Biden, send Elizabeth Warren back to the reservation, accept that angry old man Bernie Sanders would never be able to carry the Midwest against Donald Trump and who is left? Just one Democratic primaries candidate with even the slightest chance, Amy Klobuchar

    Feb 14 2020

    4 mins

  • Good Sense Sold Up the River

    The Murray-Darling Basin was transformed by irrigation and hard work into the national breadbasket. Today it is undergoing another transformation, this one orchestrated by green hysteria, government decree and political cowardice

    Dec 06 2019

    4 mins

  • Sacrificed on Victoria’s Green Altar

    In its latest pandering to the inner-city voters it fears will give Greens their first preferences, the Andrews government has announced a 2030 phase-out of all timber-getting in state forests. And it won't stop there, with further dangerous and counterproductive restrictions on use and access in the pipeline

    Nov 27 2019

    5 mins

  • The Regulatory Enemies of Promise

    The chronic mismanagement of the Murray-Darling, the diversion of otherwise productive capital into renewables and the black hole that is the NBN -- were you to list key instruments for hobbling investment and growth, they would be your three core items

    Nov 22 2019

    3 mins

  • A Billion Reasons to Despair

    Australia's deindustrialisation is certain under policies adopted by the Coalition and the ALP alike, with the next major manufacturing departures likely to be least two of the three east coast aluminium smelters. Subsidising transmission, which the PM has just announced, is such a bad idea it enjoys the backing of Malcolm Turnbull. Enough said

    Oct 30 2019

    5 mins