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Alan Moran

Alan Moran

The Latest From Alan Moran

  • Doug Anthony, not the Hayseed of Popular Memory

    Anthony opposed Malcolm Fraser’s foray into environmentalism, the test case being extracting zircon from sand on Queensland’s Fraser Island.  In supporting the activity, Anthony knew that it would leave no visible effect but Malcolm Fraser was intent on establishing credibility with the nascent green movement

    Dec 23 2020

    4 mins

  • Subsidies are Blowing in the Wind

    They quiet about it, but many Coalition MPs are on the same page as Craig Kelly in being aware of the economic demise renewable subsidies bring. Yet while they stay silent, NSW Energy Minister Matt Kean launches a report by the left wing Australia Institute calling for more renewables subsidies, which he believes will stop bushfires. Silence gives consent to such insanity

    Oct 29 2020

    2 mins

  • Ms Zibelman Pulls the Plug

    The Australian Energy Market Operator needs a replacement chief now that US import Audrey Zibelman is decamping for a new gig at Google. Applicants will find an engineering background helpful and, if recent hiring history is any guide, being female or identifying as such won't hurt either

    Oct 03 2020

    3 mins

  • A Fool’s Bargain Trades Gold for Green

    Emission measurement and abatement is a numbers game which, among countries like Australia that take it seriously, progressively focusses economic actions on measures that detract from building wealth. It is to be regretted, especially by future generations, that today's policymakers rate signalling their virtue more highly than the nation's good

    Sep 28 2020

    5 mins

  • The Bill Comes Due for Renewable Energy

    As the chief scientist has confirmed, Australia’s effort to reduce carbon dioxide emissions with wind and solar won't affect global temperatures to any measurable degree. What it does affect is the overhead of every individual householder. On a national basis that amounts to $13 billion per annum flushed down the drain

    Aug 24 2020

    5 mins

  • On the Road to Ruin for no Good Reason

    It is very difficult for a nation to devise policies that destroy its economy but Australia is succeeding splendidly. Consider, as just one example, aluminium smelting, which is now the recipient of government subsidies to counteract the damage done by other goverment subsidies!

    Jul 12 2020

    4 mins

  • A Democracy if We Can Keep It

    The capture of our institutions by the Left makes it impossible for protests against the madness weeping the planet from Minneapolis to Melbourne to gain traction, even if the will were there. Defend Captain Cook, say, or note that throwing money at 'reconciliation' only underwrites ongoing dysfunction and you'll be slandered and silenced as a public enemy

    Jun 18 2020

    4 mins

  • An Endlessly Renewable Source of Green Agitprop

    When it comes to extolling the virtues of wind turbines and solar panels, no snake-oil salesman of old could hold a carbon-neutral candle to the likes of their modern green-lipped urgers at the International Renewable Energy Agency

    Jun 09 2020

    5 mins

  • Gassed-Up and Light-Headed for Hydrogen

    Having been squeezed by the Wuhan flu from the media's daily roster of dire threats, green-energy touts appear intent on reclaiming headline attention. That's one conclusion to be drawn from the Grattan Institute's addled case for wind, solar and the new fad, hydrogen. The other is that rent-seekers' advocates aren't very good at arithmetic

    May 11 2020

    3 mins